Help please!!!



  • handerso
    I'm sure you are overwhelmed by advice right now, and I read through all of them. Here is a bit of advice that I think got missed.

    You're friends say you are fine, your mom wants you to lose weight. I would throw all those opinions out and focus on being healthy. The great thing about this program is that it helps you retrain your body to work in a healthy manner. Eat all your alloted calories every day. When your body is being fed properly and regularily, it will relax and begin to shed pounds. It's like a plant. When you have it on a regular watering schedule, it thrives. When you are sparatic about watering it, it doesn't grow or look healthy. It just survives.

    Also, even though it is less satisfying, it is better to lose weight slowly. It allows your body AND MIND AND EMOTIONS to adjust to the change. It's okay and normal to lose 4 or 5 pounds, and then hover in that area a while until your are ready to move on to losing more pounds. It helps you gain confidence. Focus on living day to day in a heathy manner, and your body will reward you in ways you can't even imagine. Learn it as a lifestyle, and you'll be one of those 35 year old women that everyone says, "Wow, you look great! You look like you're in your 20s!"

    Truly, at 19, you are in a great place to learn what a healthy life-style is. I wish I knew everything I know now when I was 18! I've been battling weight all my life - in my 20s I was 40 lbs over weight and have been slowly shedding it as I learn more and more about living healthy. Ignore your friends and what they are saying, and especially ignore their lifestyle if they are eating fast food and junk food all the time. Ignore your mother's criticism - she is just worried about your health. Focus on living heathy - lots of fruit and vegetables, chicken, nuts, grains.

    And, as a side note - cut out bread - that is a healthy lifestye change that WILL show quick results. *smile*

    Good luck, my friend. I envy your learning all this early in your life. It will be a huge reward for you.
  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    I just kind of looked through the diary myself and maybe I'm not eating enough fruits and's just so frustrating because my mom really wants me to do this, but I've got friends who say I look great and don't need to lose anything. It's just so hard because I almost wish my friends would just say "If this is what you want to do, we'll support it" as opposed to "Why are you doing this, you don't need to lose weight". Its just very disheartening.

    Your friends just love you for who you are, and that includes the you that YOU want to be. Take their words as words of love for who you are inside and become healthy for yourself. And what Handerso said is true. Your mom is just worried about your health.

    After looking at your calorie intake, I have to agree with the others. You've put your body into starvation mode. It thinks there's a famine going on and has slowed your metabolism. Now you have to show it that it's wrong.

    Remember, you have lots of support here. The wonderful thing about this site is that day or night if you need us we're here.

    You can do it! We believe in you! ^.^