

  • Janet- Seattle WA
  • I finally gave up on dating sites. I agree that POF is full of psychos and almost everyone there is looking for a casual encounter. OK cupid is a waste of time. I don't know what it is about that site, but I find everyone I've chatted with ended up being sort of flakey when it came time to actually meet. I was rejected by…
  • Try Miracle Noodles. You can buy them online and they have 0 calories and 0 carbs. Some people don't like the texture but I actually prefer them to regular pasta. Just make sure you read up on the right way to prepare them or they won't absorb any flavor.
  • I want a man who makes me laugh every day and rarely makes me cry. Someone I can trust and, almost as importantly, someone who has as much faith in me. I want a man who's strong and macho on the outside but with soft romantic heart that only I get to see. I want him to be a better person than I am so that he inspires and…
  • Any low carb diet will work to drop weight quickly at first. The secret to being successful and keeping it off is to follow the WHOLE diet and be prepared to change the way you eat and think about food . Learning how and when to eat carbs going forward is the key. I recommend reading up on South Beach and Dukan and taking…
    in Low Carb Comment by seattlern June 2012
  • Stu, you've lost 30lbs. Whatever you've been doing...keep doing that. :-)
  • . I should also mention that I have been averaging 20+ total carbs per day. I don't know how people get much lower than that unless you just ate chicken all day.
  • I am in Ketosis right now! :-) This time around I have been using the Dukan Diet for the past week and would say I went into ketosis on about day 3-4. I think it would have been sooner but I cheated and ate a bunch of vegetables on day 2...I'm such a rebel. :tongue: Today is day 7 and I'm still feeling great so I will…
  • I've done South Beach and Atkins in the past and had great success with both. My new years resolution is to stick to the Dukan diet for the next 30 days to make up for all of the carb and fat binging I did over the holidays (seriously, my son made me something called a 'bacon explosion' was awesome) .After that I will…
  • The first time I had problems was when I was pregnant as well and it did "go away" but I continued to have symptoms. The problem is that many of those symptoms are related to hormone imbalance in general, so it can be hard to nail down the exact issue during your child bearing years. Hope they can get you back in balance…
  • Gosh, I have so many symptoms, it's hard to make a comprehensive list, but here are the ones that have been most troublesome lately (my TSH is currently elevated again at 4.88 so I'm going through a dose adjustment and struggling with these symptoms): Mood Swings NO sex drive irregular periods worsening PMS slowed weight…
  • I'm 40 now and was initially diagnosed as hypothyroid when I was 18. It resolved at the time but, in hindsight, I had symptoms on and off for years afterward before finally being re-diagnosed and treated five years ago. This week I went back to the doctor with a looooong list of the usual symptoms and, sure enough, it's…
  • This is going to sound crazy, but you'll have to take my word for it that it tastes fantastic! Add a sprinkling of crystal light or other fruity drink powder and a packet of splenda to 6oz of plain greek yogurt. With 18g of protien and only 6g carbs, it will keep you satisfied till lunch. This also works well for sweet…
  • I strugged with smoking for 25 years and had my last cigarette on July 28th. In the past, whenever I tried to quit smoking, I packed on the pounds rapidly until I would give up and go right back to smoking. This time I used hypnosis. It was the easiest quit and I've been successful at losing weight instead of gaining. Even…
  • Don't do it! Burbon is nasty and you'll regret it in the morning. Try an extra dirty martini. :drinker:
  • We sound like the same kind of nerdy! I am also looking for more supporters on here and it sounds like we have the same hurdles. :happy:
  • Just remember that alcohol also interferes with your digestion and metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. When you drink, your body makes metabolizing the alcohol a priority and stores everything else as fat. I know for me, whenever I have alcohol, it seems like my weight loss grinds to a halt for that whole week. I save it…
  • I don't see this as being any different than the guy who made Super Size Me. Look at how effective that documenatry was at changing the fast food culture in our society. I know I stopped eating at McDonalds after I saw that. I think it's fantastic that he's getting so much media coverage.