
  • Drink more water, drink more green tea, and eat food that has more fiber. Also, is if you're emotionally "hungry," then you have to train your brain to know when you are hungry and when you are "hungry." This is all common knowledge, but it works--that's why it's so commonly known, I suppose. EDIT: Also, the slower it…
  • Hello, I am also very into the arts. I am hoping to get into a private college in a few years, after completing some courses in community. Maybe we can chat about art sometime, and maybe weight loss. In my opinion, art is more fun, though. :>
  • I'm pescetarian, to be safe. Most every day, I eat according to a strict non ovo-lacto vegetarian diet. However, come Christmas time, Thanksgiving, and birthdays during the celebration feast, I tend to eat salmon, and sometimes shrimp. I saw other pescetarians posting in here, so I figured (even though we're not in the…
  • I am forced to agree with this. Water cleanses your body and it's pure, cheap, and it works.
  • Sugar-free, fiber enriched strawberry preserves by Polaner. The serving size is 1 tbsp, which has 10 calories and 3 grams of fiber. Nothing can really beat that, in my opinion.