

  • I didn't even think about the carbs making me hungrier! I'll try adding more protein to my diet :) Thanks for the advice!
  • "Don't give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about" It's a hard thing to stay motivated. I love food - LOVE it - but I hate the weight I am at more. There are tons of healthy recipes out there - that taste great too! Portion control is my biggest problem but I'm learning to use smaller plates, eat…
  • I am in the same boat as you! I want to lose about 15 pounds and don't mind taking my time to get there! 1-2 lbs a week is ideal, however I've been working out for a week and watching what I eat and haven't lost a thing!! It's very discouraging, and I know it will take time but I was very surprised to weigh myself and see…
  • I have just recently started getting into a work out/watch what I am eating routine. It's not easy. I wake up in the morning with every intention to get home from work and work-out - as the day goes on my motivation steadily decreases. But I do it anyway and always feel great afterward! I just keep reminding myself - it's…
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