

  • There is a skin care line called Exposed Skin Care that is like Proactiv but more natural and less chemical. I've used it myself and although it didn't get rid of my acne 100%, it certainly helped. My issue is hormones so once I got that under control, the skin care in combo worked well. Where are the majority of your…
  • Thanks for the advice everyone,I appreciate the input. I'm not a big fan of dieting either and never have done a diet. I've always just watched my calories and exercised and it's always worked. For some reason the last couple months I can't seem to maintain my weight despite my best intentions. It's rather frustrating. Not…
  • Have you tried shredding veggies and putting them in dishes. We had hidden veggie meatballs last night and it was super delicious. Basically, meatballs made with turkey burger and shredded zucchini and carrots.
  • Count me in! I plan to do the Wii workout on the days I work since I can't make it to the gym. My goal will be 4 days/wk each 45mins. Good luck everyone!