Suggestions for a veggie hater?

Well, I suppose I don't hate vegetables, but I don't enjoy them that much. Some of them will make me vomit (e.g. Mushrooms, Cauliflower, Asparagus and Broccoli). Basically, the ones I can stand are Corn, Green Beans, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers and crispy Lettuce. Problem is the corn and green beans are always prepared too salty and the others I tend to need some ranch or peanut butter to enjoy raw.

I'd like to eat a bit cleaner and reduce sodium. This is what I'm up against. Any suggestions for supplementing my lack of vegetables? Sure I can make some soup and try and add the veggies I like to other dishes but I'm trying to be pragmatic. I'm not going to all of a sudden become a veggie lover.

Thanks for any suggestions.


  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I love to make a veggie packed stir fry :) (baby corn, bok choy, cabbage, water chestnuts, spinach, bamboo shoots, cilantro, carrots, snap peas, snow peas, mushrooms, green beans... etc).

    Sugar snap peas are also very yummy. I like them raw or steamed/boiled.
    Edamame is also great.

    I like to cook mine so they stay crispy and have a crunch.

    It can take a while to get used to them :(
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    I cook them in a saute pan occassionally and give them a little crisp. Corn, carrots, peas and beans mixed together with a little olive oil and some seasoning. I cook them until they are a little crispy and they're delicious :smile:
  • val8109
    My husband is the same way. He does like V8 Juice. The V8 fusion tastes like fruit juice, but has a serving of vegetables in it as well. He usually has a glass with his breakfast in the morning. You can also get a light version. He has also been trying to eat a vegetable that he does not like one a week. The more he eats them, the more he gets used to the taste and can now eat a serving of broccoli without wanting to vomit. Just like any other change, it takes time.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    why not cut out the salt when you cook the corn and green beans then?

    Eat more fruit instead, and try different veg that you have not had before. Prepare things in a different way and also try things like putting minced carrot in with you mince in a bolognese, swede and parsnip taste great roasted and also in stews. Baked onions are lovely and sweet.

    I would try and eat more salad if you like it, and maybe grated carrot with that? peppers and tomatoes in an omelet?
  • c031588
    My favorite way to prepare Asparagus is drizzled with a little extra virgin olive oil and salt then grilled.

    Grilled veggies are so good. I like my veggies to still have a crunch to them but grilling makes them so tender. But NOT mush.

    Another trick would be to cut them very small (you can even use a food processor and get them REALLY small) and add them to everything you make. My friend does that because her child does not eat veggies. So she pretty much cuts up the veggies super small and mixes them into things like ground meat for burgers, or tacos, or whatever. She gets extra veggies and her child gets veggies without realizing it :)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    You've got a good start!

    Do you have a stick blender? try carrot soup (boil the carrots in water, and hit 'em with a stick blender-- add some curry or italian seasoning if those things turn you on. If you can eat that, then try doing the same thing to cauliflower.

    Can you eat casserole-type stuff (lasagna, for example? Try experimenting with meat-free ingredients rather than the traditional rice- and ground beef variety.

    And be careful about the corn! You should really be counting it as a grain and not a vegetable because it's a grass seed and because the carb content is so high!
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    Consider adding a Greens supplement to your daily routine. I love veggies now, but I never did as a kid. My father raised me on junk food, so my journey with veggies was an eventful one! The more you explore, the more you will like them. I love roasting sweet potatoes... roasting asparagus and topping with a homemade vinaigrette... a baby spinach salad with slivered almonds, sliced strawberries and olive oil and balsamic vinegar... chardonnay glazed carrots cooked with honey, cinnamon, bay leaves and chardonnay. But in the meantime, taking a Greens supp will help your body get what it needs.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    I don't tolerate veggies very well, but I do like em (as long as they aren't slimey). But I really found that I can replace Ranch with other things (I LOVE RANCH). I like the Weight watchers or Skinny cow cheese spread on celery (especially the peppercorn one), steam the baby carrots a little so they are not quite so crunchy, and sprinkle a little splenda on them and a few squirts of the I can't believe its not butter spray, cucumbers with a little plain yogurt are yummy... you might want to just try a different vegetable a week. When you go to the store, commit to 1 new kind of vegetable you haven't tried yet. Find a recipe or eat it raw/lightly steamed.... If you don't like it no harm no foul, if you do, well then you have a new option. Radishes are good with the cheese spreads too...Use the dark lettuce to wrap your food in, or better yet spinach leaves. You get used to that if you start adding spinach leaves to your mixed greens in your salad, pretty soon, you can adjust to where there is more spinach than regular lettuce and that's a great veggie boost.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Well, you can try this:

    Sliced English Cucumber ............(the ones that are wrapped in plastic in the produce section--they are nice because they don't have the big seeds)

    Sweet onion (chopped)

    Grape tomatoes (cut in half)

    THose three things mixed with Fat Free Italian Dressing--OR--you can mix it with red wine vinegar, salt and pepper, a little splenda and a little olive oil. Chill in the fridge before eating. It is yummy and the dressing kinda "disguises" the veggie taste.
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    Grilled veggies are so good. I like my veggies to still have a crunch to them but grilling makes them so tender. But NOT mush.

    I TOTALLY agree!! Some zucchini, sliced lengthwise and tossed in salt, pepper and olive oil then thrown on the grill... SO yum!! Same with eggplant.
  • JHoersten2
    JHoersten2 Posts: 44 Member
    Start stir-frying meals, and get some asian sauces from the store. It'll coat everything and kill the taste.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    If you don't like them raw (me either), sauteed or stir fry (very little oil, use some broth) them. Most my vegi are cooked and they are delicious. Cut down salt for any food you prepare, avoid those in can.
  • c031588
    Grilled veggies are so good. I like my veggies to still have a crunch to them but grilling makes them so tender. But NOT mush.

    I TOTALLY agree!! Some zucchini, sliced lengthwise and tossed in salt, pepper and olive oil then thrown on the grill... SO yum!! Same with eggplant.

    Yum! Grilled zucchini! My summer favorite. I love me some eggplant!!! Grilled peppers are really good too. Makes them a little sweeter! Red peppers on the grill are SO sweet.

    Grilled onions, grilled tomatoes! I love love LOVE grilled veggies!

    One of my favorite things to eat in the summer is a grilled veggie sandwich with balsamic vinegar. I grill any veggies I have (squash, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, onions, tomatoes, anything) then grill the bread (drizzle a little balsamic vinegar on it first) then once grilled to your liking, assemble. So good.
  • Pange33
    I used to have the same problem. I liked veggies, but it was a love/hate relationship (although I always LOVED green veggies; brocolli, asparagus, spinach, etc). I personally LOVE them sauted in a little olive oil with garlic...mmm.

    I used to HATE most "salad" veggies; tomatoes, onions (could only have them diced into tiny pieces cooked w/ something), cucumbers, etc. But after going vegetarian-go figure, I found that after a few months, I started to like these vegetables. So my only other advice would be to keep reintroducing yourself to the veggies you don't love, you may end up liking them someday!

    Have you tried raw sugar snap peas? They are delicious, crunchy and a little sweet!!! When I first got into them, I jokingly called them my "french fries," not that they taste anything like them, but I can easliy munch down a whole bag if I'm not paying attention. They're kind of like yummier green beans. What's better than a satisfying, don't need to worry if you get carried away snack? They would probably be good w/ PB too.
  • nknzl85
    I'm also very picky about veggies...but here is a really easy way to work them in.

    For example, if a make a roasted chicken, I'll save what we don't eat (left over meat/skin/bones/drippings) and toss it all in a big stock pot, add enough water to cover and boil to make chicken stock. Over night in the fridge and you can scrape the fat off with no problem. Then just toss in any veggies you can think of. The one great thing about soup is any veggies taste good in it. The only one I still have a problem with at this point is onions, but for me its texture issue. So I puree one or two and toss it in and problem solved.

    This works great for stews and sauces too.

    As far as eating them raw, it is just getting used to them.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    veggie steamers are quick & low sodium :o)
  • smezx
    smezx Posts: 1
    I like late night veggie-burritos! There are many places to find such treats. My favorites would be Alpine Valley and Detroit lakes.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    Well, I suppose I don't hate vegetables, but I don't enjoy them that much. Some of them will make me vomit (e.g. Mushrooms, Cauliflower, Asparagus and Broccoli). Basically, the ones I can stand are Corn, Green Beans, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers and crispy Lettuce. Problem is the corn and green beans are always prepared too salty and the others I tend to need some ranch or peanut butter to enjoy raw.

    I'd like to eat a bit cleaner and reduce sodium. This is what I'm up against. Any suggestions for supplementing my lack of vegetables? Sure I can make some soup and try and add the veggies I like to other dishes but I'm trying to be pragmatic. I'm not going to all of a sudden become a veggie lover.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    I add finely diced zucchini, onion and mushrooms to my ground meat when I make spaghetti, stroganoff or tacos. Just brown it up and add the sauce. It's very camouflaged and you get your veggies in
  • nursenu22
    Have you tried shredding veggies and putting them in dishes. We had hidden veggie meatballs last night and it was super delicious. Basically, meatballs made with turkey burger and shredded zucchini and carrots.