

  • Tena - the polar watches Jenn and I got are made for women, they changed their design just for women and it is pink and a smaller face on it. Just an fYI. They do have light green and pale blue in women's watches.
  • MissResa- I love my polar F6 and I read many threads about how much everyone else loves it and that it is really accurate. I was like you last week on my recovery week, hang in there just keep doing the cardios Thury - dont worry if you are not ready for P90X just keep doing what works for you and gives you a good workout.…
  • I moved to p90X when the p90 cardio just wasnt enough for me and i found I was wanting to do the p90 twice just to feel like a workout. and the pushups trust me dont worry about them, I just do them on my knees and get a great workout still. it will take a while before you get good at those. if you find you need more…
  • Thanks guys on my pics.. I guess I should explain that the first two of the bikini shots are from Jan 14th and then the next two are from today... I really dont see much improvement in the toning but I do see a bit of improvement in the belly and love handles. I thought I could see more toning in my arms in the mirror but…
  • Paula - I am so proud of you!!! You are doing great. the first week I felt like a train wreck since those muscle that I didnt know exsisted, actually made it known they were there and they hurt like hell!! Tena - How are things going for your duaghter? I hope Mike was good to you for V day Ok so I was bad this weekend and…
  • I was afraid to say I dont follow the nutrition guide at all, I just follow "Jen's eating plan" hehe I eat good things and then when my kids bug and bug, once a week we will have "junk food" like hotdogs and kraft dinner... but I put my limit to once a week. My kids love chicken nuggests so when they want those, I will…
  • Paula - Trust me you will do fine, just little steps at a time.. Do one workout and then make sure you pat yourself on the back
  • Jenn - I am so proud of you and soon we will be showing off your hot looking bodies on the beach next year. I am sure the "guys" will be drooling at us and not all the other girls. Thanks for working out with me again today. I did Kenpo X at lunch and man I am super happy that I really put all my effort and energy into it.…
  • Well I attempted to workout today after being sick since sunday and that didnt go very well. I started to do plyo and when i got to the last ten minutes I started having black spots in my vision so i had to quit and sit down. I guess whatever got me sick, really did a number on me and i still dont have my energy level back…
  • Tena - stay safe girl... So what is upper plus? all ab work or more cardio. Sara - Good job on stickign with the program, you can really see the difference in you. Natasha - Are you asking what workout to start with? Do you have the workout schedules that comes with teh P90X? I am doing the classic workout and on mondays…
  • Tena - JEnn should be online today some time today, she didnt have internet access at the casino. That must be hard to not eat those brownies when baking, that is my bad thing, i like to snack. lol MissREsa - You are about teh same stage as I am in P90X. The first week was awful with the soreness and then i was fine until…
  • Well yet again I went to bed at 830pm. ok I fell asleep on the couch waiting for dh to make up his mind on what he was goign to do that night, workout or do work around the house... i was exhausted. So today is cardio X at lunch since a FREIND needed to talk so I didnt get to do it at lunch yest. THen at night we are doing…
  • Welcome Jenn back to the land of the living.. literally. I am glad you are headache free.. yeah. I wish I could figure mine out now. Tena - Wow you make me really scared to how bad interval + is if you have a hard time though it. I can just make it through plyo. hehe Glad I dont have that video yet. hehe But it would be a…
  • Finally heard from Jenn she is fine, they stayed in a hotel last night and tonight. she is feeling weirded out that the levels were that high that they wouldnt have woken up the next morning. So she is enjoying the benefits of working out at the hotal gym and swimming pool.
  • I hope everyone is having a great day. Nicolet - welcome to the group. Congrats on starting P90, you will enjoy the results from it for sure. Tena- You really make me jealou son the great night sleeps, really waht is your secret. I sleep horrible and even if i do manage to sleep through the night I feel even more tired. I…
  • I know you will do better after your NAP!!! Yes I am jealous. hehe Well today I felt guilty for not being able to workout this weekend, I had great intentions for a sunday workout but then we had unexpected visitors on my door step when I got home from Elmo live... and then everyone came over for superbowl after this…
  • Tena I could not find any gloves like that, they had the wrist/ankle bands but those would be irritating if they kept sliding on my arms. I will have to go to the fitness place to find them instead of walmart and such here. Thanks for the suggestion, I just like the taebo since it used bands almost the entire workout there…
  • Good morning.. see I am finally on top of things. hehe Yesterday I decided to do Legs and Back since I knew today I wouldnt be able to workout since we are going to see Howie tonight. I might try to do some cardio at lunch today and that just might consist of shoveling snow, go figure. I love legs and back, I felt so good…
  • Paula - haha I havent seen that video yet but you sure have me interested now... I hope the mouse was in its house though. lol Sorry I missed posting yest, I dont know how to get notification of a reply on this thread. oh well. So tues I did the plyo 90x and I actually did the entire video with only stoppig an extra 10sec…
  • I wont be sick of you by the end of the weekend, but having to see brian every day friday all the way till sunday might be an issue. hehe But hey I will be drinking and partying it up for superbowl, as long as he doesnt screw up the bloomin onions we will be on good terms. lol Have you decided what we are going to workout…
  • Tena - Wowy you look so good, can I borrow that dress.. hehe I am trying to keep up with you on the workouts.. hehe I can only do the normal pushups boystyle and all the other ones I did on my knees. But I did get to do 8 dive bombers, I was so proud of myself. Sara - welcome to the group. You know it is easier to workout…
  • I like the resistance bands for certain workouts since you can make them challenge you or take it easy for other workouts. I use resistance bands alot but now I am using weights more just so I can actually see that I am progressing and improving on my weights. with bands you really can not tell if you are improving..…
  • Yoga - Well I attempted that one for P90X and I only made it through 45 min of it until my head was screaming so badly that my vision was blurry.. so I quit. It did help my muslces feel so much better, it really stretched those sore parts and I could actually walk somewhat normal and go up the stairs without grabbing the…
  • Tena - Great workout!!! How long will it take for me not to hurt as much doing these workouts? My legs are burning still from plyo and now my arms are so weak from the back and chest workout. Were you able to do all those pushups on p90x at first, I really have a hard time with the diamond and the dive bombers... I think I…
  • Fairborn - Thats great you have lost that much weight, keep up the good work. I know you will reach your goal in no time. I lost 8-10lbs a month and lost a total of 70lbs in 9 months so there is hope. Tena- It is freezing here yet again, I will trade you spots!!! I get so frustrated talking to our salesman in floriday, he…
  • Ok I just died doing Plyometrics P90x... oh my lord was that a workout. I made it through it just had to skip the second set of two sets since I was runnign out of time for work to start but I did it. sort of. it wasnt the legs burning that was really slowing me down it was the heartrate and breathing... what a cardio…
  • Sleep - whats that??? My oldest dd got me up at midnight to go pee, then one of our huskies woke us up at 130 wanting to go outside, so dh just yelled at her and then at 230 she was up at our bedside again. I of course got up and took her downstairs to let her out and she had gotten sick... so let her out, clean up the…
  • Well Friday I did Sculpt 1-2 and Sweat 1-2 with abs... so two workouts in one night and i worked out with my girls, they attempted to do the stretching and then got bored and played inteh basement while i worked out. I felt great doing it, especialy since i was without my hubby for the night and the girls just loved being…
  • Tena - man that sounded like a really long day of working out, I am sore just thinking about all that. lol I decided that monday for sure I am just goign to start with the P90X, I sure need something more to keep me motivated to workout. Jenn- Cant wait to see your new hair, you didnt cut it again did you? I hope you had a…
  • Chrissy - awesome job!!! danahub - I sent you a private message since you didnt see my response on the thread.