jah1078 Member


  • I've been going to my gym for over a year, and felt the same why when I started too. BUT THEN......I realized the hour I spent there 5 days a week was my hour. Not anybody elses. I couldn't give a hoot who was looking at me, which it turns out, nobody was, because I was focused on my journey. It turned into a meditation…
  • Still working on it. I was out of control, and realize that it didn't get put on overnight, so it will take longer than overnight to lose. 406lbs on January 17, 2011. 315.2 today. 91lbs on my way to 150lbs total. Keep fighting the good fight. If it was easy, everybody would be thin.
  • 406lbs.
  • It is important to not let 1 bad decision turn into 2, 3 and 4 bad decisions. It was 1 sandwich. Who cares. However, if you justify the next bad decision by saying "well, I already messed up today", then that's how the snowball turns into an avalanche. Keep up the good work. You can't move forward by looking behind you.
  • I personally do it 2x day. At the same times, every morning and every night. It is also important to not let that number consume you. You need to "measure" something else. Take measurements of your body. Waist, arms, legs etc. You will find that even thought that scale doesn't move, your body is still shrinking. Muscle…