NEVER been to a Gym, Going Tomorrow. So scared, HELP PLEASE!



  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Good for you for going!

    Everyone always says "nobody is looking at you, they're too focused on their own workout" which is true to an extent. However, I'm a people watcher. I love to watch people. So some people may look at you and watch what you're doing. But I am 99% sure that what is going through their mind is how awesome it is that you're there. Or maybe they're new too and are just looking to see what you're doing. It's totally normal.

    If anybody asked me a question on how to use a machine, I would gladly help them out.
  • motivatethismom
    motivatethismom Posts: 42 Member
    Relax !

    Baby steps are fine ........ don't try to learn everything the first day ......... it took me weeks & weeks to feel comfortable with the machines ...... if you're not sure about something, ASK QUESTIONS, rather than risk getting hurt.

    One time I dropped a hard plastic water bottle in the locker rooom ........ it broke & water was EVERYWHERE ....... pretty embarrassing, but I told the staff right away cuz I didn't want anyone to slip.

    Once you really start working on the machines, clean them off after use ...... people HATE seeing sweaty machines :tongue:

    Smile & have fun !

    Do you bring the water bottles to each machine with you? or is it only allowed at locker room area
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    best thing i ever did was join a gym on november 1st 2013. i had alerady lost 43 pounds i weighed 235 nad i was so scared to join. i almost had a panic attack in the parking lot. but after that first day of nerves. IT WAS AWESOME AND I LOVE THE GYM. you will too.
  • First time I went to a gym, I got the orientation and then was on my own. My first time "alone" I ended up using one of the machines in the opposite way - I was on my back and should have been on my stomach. Someone laughed and then someone else helped me. I was embarrassed. But 6 months later, I got a job at that same gym giving orientations to new clients.
  • Go and get into what you are trying to get out of the workout and get out. Don't worry about others. You are there for yourself and getting yourself better. Don't stop
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    Just remember... nobody is looking at you or judging you... because they are too pre-occupied with themselves... and maybe busy thinking the same thing about you judging them! Sometimes you just gotta "fake it till you make it". Walk in there like you belong, like you know exactly what you're doing and figure it out as you go along with the help of your trainer.... then pretty soon you will OWN it! Good luck and have fun! :)

    ETA.... if you choose to use the machines.. they all have diagrams on how to properly use them... there's no shame in stopping and taking the time to read that so you know what to do.
  • Just concentrate on you and shut out everyone else .. you will be fine.
    It's quite good fun when you get into it .....
    If you can, make enquiries about classes that will push you ... you see great results then ... I did on Jan 5th and with the help of MFP I have lost 10lbs and 2 inches of my bottom and waist.
    Got to meet some lovely women and men too.

    Good luck
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I doubt anything we say will help you get over your fear. Only you can overcome that.

    What I learned about the gym was that I just had to do it afraid until the fear subsided. I still have fear anytime I want to try something new but I just do it afraid. It's fear of the unknown, fear I'll look foolish, fear I won't know how, fear someone will laugh, fear that I'll get hurt, fear that it won't work, fear that I won't be able, the list goes on and on.

    Do not let your fear get in the way of accomplishing your goals. Afraid to go to the gym? - go to the gym anyway. Afraid to ask questions?- ask them anyway. Afraid you'll fail? - the only way you fail is if you don't try, so try anyway.

    The old Nike ads were spot on - Just do it.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    just listen to the trainer and they can show you a lot about the machines and equipment and how to use it :) If you ever forget or want to try a new machine and the trainer is not there, just go ask a staff member for help :) Don't worry, most people are paying more attention to themselves than to other people so don't feel self conscious :) If you know someone who goes to the gym, maybe ask them to come along sometime and see if they can give you some pointers? If not, the staff will be willing to help I'm sure :)

    Good luck and don't let this scare you! You can do it :)
  • Hobb3s
    Hobb3s Posts: 119 Member
    Don't worry about it so much, the more you go, the more you'll get used to it and soon you'll be the one looking at the new scared people coming in. Be polite, friendly and work your *kitten* off and you'll do fine. The gym staff would prefer if you asked them a question if you don't know how to work a machine, they don't need hurt people or damaged equipment.
    It'll be great, you'll see.
  • Lissettecruz724
    Lissettecruz724 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you to JennifurC for posting this MUST read "note" it reminds me of myself those first few weeks of adjustment. Stidk with it new girl to the gym...You WILL amaze yourself! It all takes time. I have only worked with trainers a couple of times and found it was not for me, but don't let that discourage you because a trainer WILL teach you the how to's and provide tips that work for you. Be proud of yourself! It takes one step towards your goal...and you have taken the first one-keep going.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    another question, Do people pay attention to what others wear at the gym? I went and got a few things yesterday but I worry I won't be wearing the right thing that the other women are wearing or so on.

    At my company's gym, there are a couple of religious Muslim women who do the treadmill in their head scarves and flowing gowns. Some Indian women do the treadmill in their long shirts and cotton pants, too (though none of them do it in their saris because saris are too special to mess up in the gym).

    My neighborhood is pretty mixed culturally, and there's the Indian women in long shirts and cotton pants, and men wearing boater shoes, and grubby old sweats or whatever. I have no fashion sense, and I don't dress to impress at the gym. I wear loose fitting shorts, ( with the appropriate underwear :blushing: ) a totally non-fashionable T-Shirt, and skate shoes. I'm 53 years old. My wife gave me a gift certificate to a sports store... she seems embarrassed by my shoes at the gym. I keep telling her, I only warm up on the treadmill, ( I do cardio at home ) the rest of the time I am lifting ( although, I still use machines, almost exclusively ) and who cares about my footwear for that? Apparently, she does. :wink: You know what? I've never caught anyone looking at me, when I'm in the gym... I just don't think anyone cares what other people are doing there.

    I have to say, you are overthinking this. Making the appointment to go, was the hard part. Now that it's set.... you just go, and the trainer will take care of you. That's their job. They are trying to sell you on their gym. As others have said, you shouldn't sign anything before your session, and you should give some excuse not to sign right away. I use the, 'gotta talk it over with da wife' excuse all the time.

    The contract system is how gyms make their money. The % of people who sign for 1 year or more, and never return, is huge. You should be pretty certain that you'll keep the commitment before laying out the $$$. I'm lucky where I am... the local rec center, has a pool, and a gym, ( and a hot tub, that's why I go.... :smile: ) and a daily rate, or 10 passes, or monthly, or 6 months, or 1 year. I did daily for months, before I was sure I was gonna keep going, then I bought a year.

    Don't let nerves get the best of you. I waited a long time before I went back to the gym. I walked past it every day for months on my way to the pool... sort of looking in wistfully... and the day I finally got set up with a trainer, and a 1 hr refresher ( the place was completely renovated, and had all new machines since I'd been last 10 years ago ) I was SO happy I'd finally done it, and couldn't figure out why I'd waited so long.

    The absolute worst that could happen is, you don't like it, so you don't return. Kind of like trying kale.
  • jah1078
    jah1078 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been going to my gym for over a year, and felt the same why when I started too. BUT THEN......I realized the hour I spent there 5 days a week was my hour. Not anybody elses. I couldn't give a hoot who was looking at me, which it turns out, nobody was, because I was focused on my journey. It turned into a meditation for me. Ear buds in, music loud, and I get sweaty. Like other posters have said, you are taking the step to get there. Everybody started the same way, by walking in for the 1st time. You'll be fine. Music up, focus on you, not other people. Be a beast!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    another question, Do people pay attention to what others wear at the gym? I went and got a few things yesterday but I worry I won't be wearing the right thing that the other women are wearing or so on.

    no not really. Wear what makes you feel comfortable :) Just wear a comfortable shirt and shorts or pants. Something flexible, comfortable, and that you can breath in. Most women these days wear Lululemon however I'm too cheap for that!! And if you have a bunch to lose, you may go through a few outfits so I find cheaper is better until you are closer to goal weight :) I usually just go to walmart for my cloths :P
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member

    Do you bring the water bottles to each machine with you? or is it only allowed at locker room area

    I always bring my water bottle with me, never seen a gym that made you leave it in the locker room. some gyms also have a water fountain but I find I need a lot of water so I don't want to get up every 5 min to walk to the fountain :P
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    WOW never expected so many encouraging comments so quickly! Thank you so much! I am not big by any means, I am only 120lbs and some of you will probably think that I look perfect just basing it on my weight but I'm not at all. I've had 3 kids and other women know what it can do to our stomachs and thighs/legs. I am going to smaller gym bc a bigger gym scares me even worse. What would you all recommend as far as a commitment to the place? The contracts are 12, 18 months or 2 years. If I sign up for 2 years will that encourage me to keep going? or should I stick with only 12 months for now.

    if it's your first gym, I would not commit to 2 years just yet. you may realise a few months down the road that the other gym is more suited to you (equipment, atmosphere, or whatever) and want to switch. I'm not huge on contracts :P
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    I would just tell the trainer that you don't know how to use anything and let them show you everything.

    ^This is basically what I wanted to say; communicate right up front with the trainer that you're a bit nervous and have never used any of the machines before. Then he/she knows exactly where you are at and can help accordingly. Don't worry so much about details like what you are wearing; as others have pointed out, no one really is going to care. You'll be fine! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Read this... :)
    Its called "Dear new girl at the gym" and its spot on. Go for it, you'[ll do great

    LOL- I just about to post this and you beat me to it!
  • bamadwl
    bamadwl Posts: 111 Member
    There are a lot of replies to this topic, so forgive me if someone has already said this, but for motivation if you add friends on myfitnesspal and interact with them regularly. If you have active friends it can help motivate you greatly.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    They require a contract, most places around my area do :-( The trainer/manager was so nice, he said the first session of training is free but he said he would help me our a few times until I got the hang of it. What if he is busy at the times I go? Ahh I worry toooo much I know! How do you stay motivated? I feel like once I start and get tired I will want to stop. I can not push myself at home I try to do squats/lunges and I do like 30 and stop. I never can keep doing it. I have no motivation I feel the pain and stop. Is it different at a gym, will I give up just as easily there?

    You sound like me! My mind starts going 100mph with all the "what if's, what about's" and worrying about stuff I think MAY happen, lol. It can be exhausting can't it?

    Does the gym you are going to offer classes as well? That may be another good way to get your feet wet and meet some new people, and try something new. (like fun!)

    30 squats or lunges is nothing to sneeze at honey! I have done the gym thing and the at-home thing. When I was motivated, the at-home thing worked great, I was dedicated and saw results. But then I started slacking. My hubs and I have now joined the Y together (again) because I feel like I want to do more strength training, plus I missed the dancing-based classes.

    Good luck! Friend me if you want, I'm a 32 yr old mom of 2.