hazysmama Member


  • Me too! I just gave birth 10/10/12 to a beautiful baby girl. I had used MFP to lose 30 lbs prior to getting pregnant. I remained active for the first 7 months of pregnancy. I gained those 30lbs back but have lost all of it since giving birth. I had a very smooth delivery and my midwife has given me the okay to start…
  • I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred up until I was 5 months. I did modifications but really stuck to the cardio, weights, modified abs. At 5 months I could only do 30 mins of cardio a day. The last two months were a killer (pain and exhaustion) I did prenatal yoga, walking, and slow paced elliptical 3 times a week. The key…
  • I completed it from Sept-Oct doing a little bit of the beginner and some advanced spending 10 days on each level. Now I am doing it again except I do mostly advanced and I have upped my weights on all of the exercises; I am still sticking to 10 days for each level. Good luck!
  • Welcome! Seems like you have a pretty good idea what you are doing. Congrats on your progress so far!
  • You look fantastic. Your dedication is inspirational! Thank you so much for posting!
  • I am a Jillian Michaels addict. I lost more inches than pounds during the shred. That was perfectly fine with me though! Well worth it and very easy to fit in a busy schedule. Keep in mind that diet is also important...I stayed within my 1200 calories religiously.
  • I hadn't worked out for 4 years...I started the Shred and loved it. Completed it and moved on to Ripped in 30. Finished that and loved it. I am now flip flopping between Yoga meltdown and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Give it a go! Great place to start.
  • Thanks guys! I appreciate your responses!
  • I make soup every Sunday...Going shopping in the morning for the ingredients. Thanks for sharing!
  • I just finished Ripped in 30 today. I did it 6 days a week leaving me one day in between the four levels. Prior to Ripped in 30 i did the 30 DS. Fantastic results so far as a result of the two programs (5 inches off my hips!!!). Week two was killer. My advice is do not let week two stop you. Push through it. I loved week…
  • I loved it. I looked forward to progressing through the levels. I lost 8.5 inches...3 inches off my hips alone. I did it straight through without days off. I have now moved on to Ripped in 30. Loving it too! Good Luck !
  • I am not a vegan but I was a vegetarian for 12 years. I still love anything vegan/vegetarian. My new favourite website is http://peasandthankyou.com/recipage/ My absolute favourite is the "Saag Peaneer" . As long as I stick to the portion size it does not hurt my calories at all.