30 Day Shredders..

When did you or do u move up to the next level? Im on day 5 today and after days 3 and 4 I wasnt sore at all :-( Im thinking I should do Day 5 at Level 1 than go on to Level 2.. I can keep up with the advanced girl for every move and during cardio except for doing push ups I have to do girl ones.. so what do you think? I feel like its not doing anything because Im not sore but I know thats not true because I am always drenched in sweat by the end of the workout


  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I did 10 days at each level.
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I did 10 days at each level.

    I did this ^
  • I did 10 days at each level. I'm on level 3 right now but haven't been sore since the first 3 days of level 1, that doesn't mean that its not working. As long as you are drenched in sweat you are doing what you are supposed to:)
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i've done 9-10 days at each level....
  • LoonyBird720
    LoonyBird720 Posts: 34 Member
    The first time I did the 30DS I did it 10 days for each level, but I'm doing it for the second time around right now after a 3 week break and I'm sort of doing the same except I'm incorporating heavier weights and/or weights in some moves that normally don't have them (like the sumo punch thing).
  • I am doing 10 days each level.I am sore form level 3! Yowser!
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    What size weights are you using? You can always stay at the same level and up your handweights, or alternate which is what I do.
  • bulletproofkasper
    bulletproofkasper Posts: 126 Member
    I did 10days at each level, i just upped my hand weights and it seemed to work :)
  • hazysmama
    hazysmama Posts: 15 Member
    I completed it from Sept-Oct doing a little bit of the beginner and some advanced spending 10 days on each level. Now I am doing it again except I do mostly advanced and I have upped my weights on all of the exercises; I am still sticking to 10 days for each level. Good luck!
  • Yes up your weights! Works wonders :)