meikinfaces Member


  • Hi there! I come and go but love bento! This group was inactive when I started but I'd love to get it going again!
  • O! don't you worry this year will definitely count! Thanks for posting and welcome aboard ladies!!
  • Actually, rice is the star of the bento show. Biggest for rice and meat topping traditionally and accompaniaments in the smaller. (my apologies to the carb watchers) I will recommend the 'Just Bento' Cookbook which has a delightful assortment of homestyle bentos by Makiko Itoh which fall around 600 cal per bento - I got it…
  • Thanks! I was beginning to think I'd joined a ghost group! LOL!! Yes of all the groups on offer Bento is certainly fun and there is very little we could disagree about! I have been making little lunch for the kids and HRH but not much in the way of being very artistic - just simple sandwich wheels, cut out cheeses, cute…
  • Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself - Leona. I've been very shy about connecting to a group out of fear for not agreeing or having anything in common. The array of groups available is daunting! I have persitent fatty liver disease and try to eat clean 90% of the time but there are things I make exceptions for. I try to…
  • DIY!!!!
  • Its hard to focus on yourself when your always in demand by your charges!! WOW on the miles!
  • I had a massive blow out yesterday after weighing in at WW and having gained 1 kg in 2 weeks I decided not to worry today. I prepared a (I'm a 'clean' eater) mexican fiesta for my friends and nearly died once I logged it all in. I didn't overeat, I feel I ate until I was satisfied. But it was still 1600+ over my daily…
  • hurdles are hurdles. After years of rollercoaster weight I recently encountered a fear of being slim. I've never been slim and it kinda scares me go there. How bizarre!! just another dip in the road.
  • Thankyou for your friend requests! I have kindly declined them for now - I hope I haven't offended anyone I just wish to find my feet first. I am focused on eating a clean balanced diet - I have fatty liver disease. I'm done with the 'do eat this and don't eat that' of the south beach diet and atkins etc. I don't do shakes…
  • Ya! that sucks! I have about 20kg to lose (whats that in pounds?? 40+lbs?) Hope to make it with MFP. Think I'll can WW in the New Year.