new n scared



  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I would say, do some self-analysis. Sometimes people self-sabotage their efforts, for underlying reasons. I can be way more complex then just yo-yo dieting and there can often be something that is going on for you, that is not so obvious that can be causing you to always sabotage your efforts. Just see if that could be the cause. As, often it can be.

    Not saying that I am right here. Just another angle to look at is all. Just in case this is the case.
  • Hi there! I've just joined up, read your post and identified with every word of it. I'm 42, currently weigh 233 and have battled with my weight all my adult life. I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, not being able to wear what I want and getting ignored or sarcastic looks and comments about my appearance. Someone once told me that life is what you make it and that the ability to change lies in our own hands, not some outside source. I'm going to make my lifewhole lot better in 2012! You can do it too. :)
  • meikinfaces
    meikinfaces Posts: 13 Member
    I had a massive blow out yesterday after weighing in at WW and having gained 1 kg in 2 weeks I decided not to worry today. I prepared a (I'm a 'clean' eater) mexican fiesta for my friends and nearly died once I logged it all in. I didn't overeat, I feel I ate until I was satisfied. But it was still 1600+ over my daily limit.
    Tommorrows a new day and I'm thankful for the lesson learned. Keep tracking and be brutally honest and transparent about what you eat, when and how much. I'll even cheer you on! :flowerforyou:
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Someone once told me that life is what you make it and that the ability to change lies in our own hands, not some outside source.

    Yeah I recently heard something similar. I used to always blame everything else or everyone else for where I was at in life. And now, I acknowledge my part in things and my responsibility in change.
  • Thank-you all sooo much for your comments, it made my day seeing all that support xxxxx
  • You don't have to be like this forever. The first 2 weeks of anything is difficult but after that your body will want the exercise, it will want the healthier food. I was just like you, next week, next month, next whenever and it never happened. You have to want it, you have to make it count. If you feel bad about yourself go for a nice walk or do something else for yourself instead of rewarding yourself with food. Bad choices is what made you this way, good choices will help you get what you want. I used to think being thin was the most important thing in the world when I was young, that it was going to change my life. At 51 I have found that it's about feeling better and healthy. I feel better now than I have in my entire life physically and mentally all in this last year. All I used to want to do was sleep & would still feel tired. It was hard to put on a pair of panty hose. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything as I was too embarrassed and depressed about how I look. I was hiding. I feel free again. So come on, what are you waiting for - don't you want to feel good about you?
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Take it one meal at a time. If you fail short, don't wait until a Monday, the 1st or some other hollow calendar point; start back RIGHT away! Throw out the junk food and stock only healthy choices in your home and pack your own meals for work and outings. Find what you like to do: walk, elliptical, DVD and make that your routine (2-5 times a week). That was my weakest link, so I started out only working out 2 days a week that way I didn't let myself down trying to shoot for more. Small steps, day after day, will get you there; don't focus on the end, focus on the right now and what you are choosing to put into your body. You can do this, one day at a time.
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    YoYo for me too. Everyday you have to work at it. When you fail, you bring yourself back up. Don't be too strict and portion out your food.Good luck!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    First off, don't look at your failures as failures but rather view your past failures as a positive " this is NOT the way I become healthy and lose weight" and look for a new plan. Start with small goals for yourself like daily food tracking and committing to 15 min daily of an exercise activity you enjoy.
    No time like the present to get yourself back on screw up with your eating, you get right back to your plan, because starting back "next week, next month" only adds increased feelings of failure, increasing hunger, increased eating and then an increase in weight...which triggers the cycle to start again
    We all have the strength inside of ourselves to stop the cycle and start a new one and you are not the exception to this
    Good luck with your journey, and remember if you find yourself beginning to shy away from this site, it probably when you need it the most.:smile:
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    Hiya Honey,

    I seem to have broken the yo - yo cycle.

    At my original start weight I weighed 260 lb ish ( about 18 and a half stone), I lost about 51 lb, 46 on MFP and 5 on my own in the first half of last year, and kept it off for the whole of the second half. I put 1.2 lb on over christmas.

    The big secret seems to be eat 1 g of protein for each kg of body weight, this helps keep you feeling full. Reduce your bad carbs, stick to slow release as much as possible. Get your liquids in, and stop stressing about it :wink:

    I am about to have another bash, I would like a further 50lb ( or 3 and a half stone), this will not make me silph like, I am not made that way, I am all about the curves.

    Above all get organised, if you eat the wrong things because you come in from work hungry, then have a healthy snak before you get in the door, that way you will take your time choosing what to eat instead of just grabing anything.

    Enjoy the ride, Jan
  • thats awesum Jan!! You must be soo pleased... and thankyou for the inspiration!!! Will def try the protein thing x
  • tj54
    tj54 Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm new too and can identify with you! But this is it for me and I feel good about it. The trick for me is not to think I am on a diet but just re-arranged the way I think about food and make it my way of eating.
    I have done this before so I know I can do it. My trick before was to keep some choccy in the fridge and tell myself I can have it any time I like, then I often find I chose not to have it.
    If I do get to a place where I feel I have to comfort myself with choccy, I tell myself I can have some and often find that either I don't want it after all or I am happy with a taste which gives me enough space to re-assess what Im doing.
    I know my vulerable time is evenings and I live alone with no one to check me. So I keep myself occupied if I an and eat my dinner quite late so I'm too tired and full to pick. Its all about psychology and not hunger.
    Tons of luck to all of us! x x