Really struggling at the moment.....Is anyone else??

Had another rediculously bad weekend.

Went away for the night, and just ate junk. I have also had an extremely emotional day, pretty sure it's PMS. so not a good start to the week.
I have just eaten so much crap lately and am so down on myself. I know I need to pick myself up and get positive, but it's really hard. I feel I am letting myself down and just not achieving how I want to be.

How does one close her mouth and not put food in there.

My mind has let me down and I need a new mind set to get through this weight loss journey.

Does anyone else struggle wiht this, epecially weekends?? Do you find your loved one's are the most unhelpful people?? That they are sometimes sabotaging you without knowing it.

I know it is ultimately my decision, but yeah, it's hard sometimes.


  • ellabellaperia
    ellabellaperia Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah we all struggle. It's a tough and long journey but dust yourself down and just re-focus. today is a new day. I have started to up the exercise to try and burn off the extra calories especially when I am bad at weekends. I have also just managed to get my family signed up to this so that helps because they are tracking their food and exercise too and it's definitely much easier with help on board. The best thing I have done is join Curves - joined end August and though I have only lost 5 lbs I have lost loads of inches and it is making loads of difference. Good luck!!
  • cbmich1860
    cbmich1860 Posts: 11 Member
    Just hang in there! We all have those times... I struggle too, I have been seeing slow results and even gained over the past few weeks and have been really good! But I have to remember that it took me 50 milles to get in to this mess and it will take 50 miles to get out.

    Try to play the results back to yourself before you eat something not healthy... what will be the end result (I picture the cinnamon bun as dipples in my butt LOL).

    Just hang in there its a life journey and remember we eat to live not live to eat.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • This was exactly me! I used to be good all week then come friday would blow all my hard work over the weekend, Bad choices, takeaways crisps chocolate you name it i'd eat it! My Fiance is the worst, he would go on and on about having a take away until i'd finally give in. He would say 'But you've been so good all week, one night won't hurt' But one night leads into a day, then two then three... and i'd be back to square one. But this week i have well and truly got back on the wagon!, I havent had crisps (My weekness) for 6 days now!! And when he trys to sabotage me i firmly tell him no, and amazingly i lost 4lbs in my first proper week, the high you get from seeing the scales drop is amazing, you feel amazing! I always thought 4lb wouldn't make much of a difference, but my big hips and bum have shrunk, even my fiance has noticed. This spurs me on to lose more and be a skinny minnie! It is hard, and most the time i am starving hungry, its worse at night, so i save some calories so i can have a small bowl of cereal or a slice of toast. Good luck! xo
  • cathie2903
    cathie2903 Posts: 85 Member
    Weekends are my downfall...but I try to limit the treats and log everything honestly..this helps with the feedback I get from my MFP pals! I then try my absolute best in the week and go spinning and the gym as much as possible.
    I know you can do this, you just need lots of support. I have lost 11lbs since joining this site and I could never manage any sustained weight loss matter what I tried? I think the support and encouragement of like minded people is the key here.

    Bad days happen, just accept it and move on to he next brand new day!

    Good luck! Be positive!
  • velarneyraptor
    velarneyraptor Posts: 94 Member
    Think positively - yeah, you slipped up, but you can do it!! It's hard to adjust to a new lifestyle, everyone on this site has been there in some way or another. Beating yourself up over it is not helpful!! Start small... each week, cut out one snack here, once snack there... replace chips with air-popped popcorn... replace crackers and dip with veggie sticks and dip. Despite the fact that it may end up being the same calories, you're overall going to be healthier and feel positive about the changes you're making. It's small steps that set you up for long term success rather than big steps than lead to short term failure. A lifetime worth of bad habits can't be undone with a week worth of extreme dieting.

    Your partner may be unsupportive, but remember you're doing it for yourself. You should be the most important person for you!! You ARE worth sticking up for! You are making positive changes and you should be PROUD of yourself!! Yes, your partner is a very important person and their validation is important to you... but at the end of the day, you are the one living inside your body. If you're not happy with yourself, no amount of validation from others is going to fix it...
  • meikinfaces
    meikinfaces Posts: 13 Member
    hurdles are hurdles. After years of rollercoaster weight I recently encountered a fear of being slim. I've never been slim and it kinda scares me go there. How bizarre!!

    just another dip in the road.
  • I've been struggling recently, I've had a few days when I've ate terribly and felt like I couldn't get back on track and that I would never reach my goal weight. In the end I promised myself to do well for just one day, which seemed a lot easier than a week or month - so I managed that one day and felt much better, felt like I was back on track and thankfully I am.

    At the moment I'm quite strict at weekends, I eat the same foods as during the week regardless of what other people want. Sometimes I will stay behind while they get takeaway, sometimes they realise that takeaway isn't so healthy and eat with me which is nice. However if you're doing this as a lifestyle change then I would say its better to let yourself have 2 treats a week and figure it into your calories and then you can have them without feeling guilty.

    As for PMS that is hard to deal with, my appetite is just unbelievable - best to eat lots of soups and veggies to fill you up and allow for a treat if you have some cravings.
  • I have an idea. It takes about a month to change a habit. So rather than think about the next year or two of discipline to lose all the weight that you want. Why not focus on a month of behaving totally. Just a month, after the month you'll have adjusted your habbits and you might have more control over the struggling times.
    I am preaching to myself here. Because I firmly believe that you can't cut yourself out totally of the pleasures of sharing a nice bite with friends. My friends can stop at one or two but I tend to go for the 4 or 5.
  • I have had so much less control since the weather has been cooler, that and some social events, means I have not lost anything in two weeks. But, on the plus side not gained either. I do so find it hard though to be sensible, and once i start on high cal food its as if a switch has flicked and i turn into a monster eater.....Think upping exercise has helped a little and guess I should do even more......Its comforting on mfp to know I am not alone in my struggles so good on you guys.x
  • Thaks everyone for your positive words and great encouragement. youa re all right!! I will jsut take it one day at a time and focus on the next day as being a good one.

    I really appreciate all your input and woudl love to be friends if anyone needs a new one.....

    thanks again for all your kind words!!
