
  • hi jesindc. i appreciate your posts and agree totally. i'm about to jog/walk a halfmarathon i started training for before getting pregnant (now 16 weeks), and i've had some negative feedback. but, my midwife has ok'd it, and i plan on taking breaks and hydrating throughout, and if i have to stop i will. for the op, i hope…
  • check out this article - maybe it will help answer your question.
  • yeah, i think you're right. especially if people need the encouragement to keep journalling when they'd rather not, i think a few words are in order. for example, i really didn't want to admit what i ate last night, but i did anyway, and i felt that was an accomplishment. also, i've been iffy on logging in, so that's a…
  • i visited a dietitian last week, and she suggested a tbsp of peanut butter with oatmeal to make sure you get the protein with the carbs. i had never heard of that before, but it tastes pretty good.
  • hi, i don't know if you've tried this, but you should make sure the milk is warm, let somebody else give it to her, and make sure you're out of her way (you need either to be gone or in another room where she can't hear or smell you). my son is about 4 months old, and he doesn't like the pacifier or the bottle, but all of…
  • i can relate to trying different weight loss products/services and feeling discouraged. maybe we can be buddies. good luck! tee