breastfeeding mothers

hi breastfeeding? i am, my daughter is 3 months cant get her to take the bottle any pointers even though its my milk she knows its not my breast, would love to connect with you all


  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Who gives the bottle? My son (7 weeks) will only nurse from me, but takes the bottle really well for Daddy when I'm not home. We started him about 4 weeks on the bottle. Maybe keep trying with someone else giving it to him. If he gets really hungry, he might.
    On the other hand, my older boys never did take a bottle. We introduced the cup at 6 months for them, and they had it mastered pretty quickly and drank my milk from a cup instead of us fighting over a bottle (of course, I nurse them most of the time).
  • DaphMinkus
    Good for you!! I'm glad you're nursing, it's best for you and baby!! Have you tried having someone else feed her? Maybe getting some milk in her mouth to just taste it? Wait till she's really hungry (but not too fussy)? I ended up not even bothering with a bottle for mine... but if you keep trying (just like with introducing solids) she might get the picture.
    TTBMILLER Posts: 8 Member
    i don't know if you've tried this, but you should make sure the milk is warm, let somebody else give it to her, and make sure you're out of her way (you need either to be gone or in another room where she can't hear or smell you). my son is about 4 months old, and he doesn't like the pacifier or the bottle, but all of mine have been that way. they'll take it if they get desperate enough. also, make sure the nipple is giving him a good flow (not the slow one), and you might try different nipple shapes...
    good luck!
  • thank u all i will try these methods hopefully she will take a bottle soon :o)
  • jnissi
    jnissi Posts: 45 Member
    My kids hated all bottles and paci's even! However, they would use the Playtex nurser bottles and paci's. I think it is something about the way the nipple flexes that is similar to mom. I am not sure, but it worked. ( We tried about 15 different brands before this finally worked! ) Also, if it is possible , having some one else feed them the bottle also helps. Good luck! and good job nursing your sweet baby! :)