

  • I bought some flavored dip in powder form at the L.A. County Fair, and instead of mixing it with sour cream as the directions tell me, I mix it with greek yogurt. Then I buy pretzel chips at Costco or Sam's Club(cheaper and bigger bag) to dip. I imagine you could use any kind of flavored dip mix with greek yogurt, which is…
  • Wow! I am on this medication too! It inspires me to think I may be able to get off it when I lose enough weight! Horaay!
  • A piece of fruit helps me, and drinking more water. I think its okay to eat, just limit the portions and try to give yourself some time after you eat for your brain to tell your stomach that you are full. I lost three pounds the first week and I went over my calories more than once. Just do the best you can and remember…
  • I really like eating, and cooking, which is probably why I need to lose fifty pounds! It's hard for me to understand why a person would eat the same food that often, unless maybe it was Rocky Road Ice Cream! I can't even keep that in the house! lol
  • I am glad you are doing this too! It's just great.
  • I would like to be MFP friends. My name is Patti, and I live in Huntington Beach, CA. I am 54 years old and I intend to lose 50 pounds. I just joined this program with my husband last week and we each have already lost 3 pounds.
  • My name is Patti and my husband and I joined MFP a week ago and it is the only thing that has really ispired us to lose weight. We have each lost three pounds, and are exercising almost everyday, sometimes because we just need to add the calories to our ticker! We each need to lose at least 50 pounds.
  • I bought a hiking belt at a sports store, here it's a BIG FIVE store, and it comes with a bottle. I have successfully completed five full and seven half marathons and I always carry my own water. I also suggest taking a gel one per hour, they are made by powerade, and I can't remember the other brand. I also carry my cell…
  • wii boxing!!!
  • I have a goal of losing 50 pounds, to 193. I just started with this app yesterday. It is already helpful and inspiring. I hope to lose ten pounds by October 23rd. To Katie in New Hampshire, let's motivate each other!