Update on my Thyroid med situation

Hey everyone! Great news....I posted a question a while ago about if it was possible to get off of thyroid medication after being on it for a period of time. I have hypothyroidism- or had- and did a trial without taking the meds under dr supervision ... had some recent blood work and everything came back normal!!! SO HAPPY! this means my thyroid is working again normally! I give the credit to my change in diet and exercise habits:) so for all of those people doubting if it is possible- and all of those who told me I would never get off of the meds---You can! Just wanted to send this out so I could encourage some of those dealing with this issue to never lose hope or give up on yourself and body!


  • lovinlife71
    Thanks for the update!! My levels get worse each year... :sad:
  • jazzybean1
    I just started on Thyroids meds too, with the expectation of being able to phase off them after everything has been stabalized for awhile. He just said they will do blood work every few weeks to make sure my levels are fine... :) Idk, even if I have to stay on them it's a better aternative to how I've been feeling...I can't sleep, am exhausted and run down and I have to be on top of food and exercise every second of the day or I gain weight. I exercise more in 3 days than most people do in a week because I have to, just tired of it. Looking forward to feeling better:)
  • abeachlady
    That might be happening to me. Since I started on MFP, eating better, working out more, my blood test show a need for lower dosages of my thyroid meds. I am now awaiting my most recent test. My doctor is perplexed, but taking less medication and still feeling well, as well as losing weight, it's a good thing.
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    I just started on Thyroids meds too, with the expectation of being able to phase off them after everything has been stabalized for awhile. He just said they will do blood work every few weeks to make sure my levels are fine... :) Idk, even if I have to stay on them it's a better aternative to how I've been feeling...I can't sleep, am exhausted and run down and I have to be on top of food and exercise every second of the day or I gain weight. I exercise more in 3 days than most people do in a week because I have to, just tired of it. Looking forward to feeling better:)

    This is ok....if you need them, take them....just don't buy into the messages out there that you won't ever get off of them. I heard this a lot! I was feeling a bit trapped and thought I was doomed to be on this forever. Not necessarily true. I was also on them for 5+ years which I guess makes it less likely to get off. The medication is meant to help you - don't just stop taking it! when you do start feeling better and feel the desire to stop them, be your own advocate and tell your doctor...that is all I am saying. Good luck with your journey and I am sure you will find the help you need- :)
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    That might be happening to me. Since I started on MFP, eating better, working out more, my blood test show a need for lower dosages of my thyroid meds. I am now awaiting my most recent test. My doctor is perplexed, but taking less medication and still feeling well, as well as losing weight, it's a good thing.
    I completely agree with you. I am not sure where I heard or read it- but I did come across something that said diet and exercise can boost the thyroid to "come to life" again. Whatever this means....anyway I only see it as a good thing. Relying on your own body and getting healthier is so great! I do know there is a place for any medication, but when your body is healing and healthy- I don't want to be a person taking useless medication. Good for you! Good luck with everything:)
    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    I didnt know you could come off tablets if you suffered an under-active thyroid.. I thought it was something you were stuck with for the rest of your life. I have under-active thyroid and am on medication for the rest of my life.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I didnt know you could come off tablets if you suffered an under-active thyroid.. I thought it was something you were stuck with for the rest of your life. I have under-active thyroid and am on medication for the rest of my life.

    It takes someone that wants to heal their body with proper nutrition and giving up the processed foods, fast foods, eating out very much, etc.

    I have been able to heal my body also and get off the meds. I started out on Synthroid and then moved to Armour Thyroid because it is natural and not synthetic. I started changing the way I eat and my body healed itself.
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    hey I thought i would be on for life as well- sooooo not true for everyone...I am so inspired now that I got that news from my dr. I am definitely going to remain healthy and treat my body like it should be! Please talk to your dr before attempting anything though! :)
  • bgredenbaugh
    bgredenbaugh Posts: 65 Member
    I didnt know you could come off tablets if you suffered an under-active thyroid.. I thought it was something you were stuck with for the rest of your life. I have under-active thyroid and am on medication for the rest of my life.

    If you have an actual disease of the thyroid, you probably cannot get off. If it's just malfunctioning, perhaps yes. For example, I had Hashimoto's thyroiditis and then follicular thyroid cancer. Had a full thyroidectomy, so obviously I'm on them for life.

    Never, never, never self medicate (or fail to medicate). Alsways work with your endocrinologist - not general practitioner - endocrinologist. Believe me, there's a difference in knowledge and care level.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I have hypothyroid, but not a thyroid disease, and it appears I will be going off my 75 mg of synthroid when I run out (per the dr). For some reason my thyroid slowed way down, and since the new healthy changes, no more meds needed! So yes, for some of us, there is hope to live med free with diet/exercise changes.

    I've heard amazing stories of people who were very sick health wise and on many meds do a complete 180 from lifestyle changes and I find that personally very inspiring. I hope this is what will happen for me (fingers crossed) :smile:
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I didnt know you could come off tablets if you suffered an under-active thyroid.. I thought it was something you were stuck with for the rest of your life. I have under-active thyroid and am on medication for the rest of my life.

    If you have an actual disease of the thyroid, you probably cannot get off. If it's just malfunctioning, perhaps yes. For example, I had Hashimoto's thyroiditis and then follicular thyroid cancer. Had a full thyroidectomy, so obviously I'm on them for life.

    Never, never, never self medicate (or fail to medicate). Alsways work with your endocrinologist - not general practitioner - endocrinologist. Believe me, there's a difference in knowledge and care level.
    I am in this boat also! I had Hashimoto's and Papillary cancer and a thyroidectomy! I'm on pills for life too!
  • Ozzyzmommy
    Ozzyzmommy Posts: 142 Member
    That is so wonderful!!! way to go!!!
    I myself have been on synthroid since I was 17 and I just turned 49 last month... My thyroid is so burnt out I'll never be as lucky as you...
    But I love to hear about good news from others... 2 thumbs up to you... :)
  • Surfcitymom
    Wow! I am on this medication too! It inspires me to think I may be able to get off it when I lose enough weight! Horaay!
    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    I'm stuck on mine for life. I dont ever want to come off these as I know it can make your body shut down. Me and My Dad have a thyroid problem and so does my sis in law.
  • StatutoryGrape
    Glad it's working for you! I'm on meds for life (I only have half a thyroid), and my bloodwork was normal but I'm still having hypo symptoms. I'm hoping the doctor will be able to figure out what's going on with me sooner rather than later!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    sorry, its been a while since I have checked my old topics....I am excited for everyone here...do only what your body lets you....if you can't get off the meds-no big deal-it doesn't define who you are, It is just another bump in the road....at least it was for me. I have lots of other stuff I'm dealing with as well. I just try to stay focused and look at the positive things happening in this process...Be good to yourself!