

  • I have been doing cardio, maybe I just need to do more. Stefanie you look great!
  • Thanks! I will give it a shot!
  • I myself just joined 2 weeks a go and have lost 3 lbs. I have about 12 more lbs to lose. it isn't easy what so ever but seriously you have to measure EVERYTHING!!!! Keep your measuring spoons and cups handy. You might get annoyed with it but i promise it is worth it . I have only lost 3lbs but It still feels good!! I hate…
  • I honestly only have about 15 lbs to lose but it has been a struggle for me. I have a 4 month old baby at home who was a breech boy so I had to have a c section. I am having a really hard time losing my gut and I too hate exercising. I don't have anyone to exercise with so it makes it a lot harder. I sit around pretty much…