Just joined and looking for a support group

Hi everyone. I just joined and I am looking for a support group. I want to develop a healthier lifestyle. Any tips about exercise and healthy cooking, please send my way.


  • Welcome! I joined recently for the same reasons. Good luck with your journey and add me if you want :)
  • welcome!!! add me if you like :)
  • katapum
    katapum Posts: 10 Member
    welcome :) I've using this tool for a week :) and I love it :flowerforyou:
    add me if you like :)
  • Leanne926
    Leanne926 Posts: 158 Member
    Welcome! Everyone here has been super supportive :smile:
    Add me if you would like.
  • I myself just joined 2 weeks a go and have lost 3 lbs. I have about 12 more lbs to lose. it isn't easy what so ever but seriously you have to measure EVERYTHING!!!! Keep your measuring spoons and cups handy. You might get annoyed with it but i promise it is worth it . I have only lost 3lbs but It still feels good!! I hate to exercise but i do Jillian Michaels cardio for beginners both front side and backside. front side on Monday and back on Tuesday all the way through Saturday and a break on everything on Sunday! Good luck with everything!! :)