doctork29 Member


  • I'm in. 1/1 - 3.1 miles 1/2 - 3.1 miles 1/3 - 3.1 miles 1/4 - 3.1 miles
  • I have a purebred Siberian Husky named JB and a JackRat named Nugget. Nugget is short for Chicken Nugget which is the result for letting your 3 year old name the dog. However, after time we have realized the name makes perfect sense.
  • 15 minutes won't necessarily improve and increase your cardio output, but any exercise, no matter how long, burns calories and is definitely worth it in the long run. Good luck.
  • I read an article on WebMD that explains the catechins in green tea may help with fat loss in general, but it didn't say anything about targeting specific areas like the belly...
  • First, completely immerse in this website....there are a ton of things to read, learn, do, as well as a great group of people that will support you. With that support, usually in the posts sent by people are links to other options...once you have a grasp of the MFP website, which can give you a plan, recipes, and the like,…
  • Go to "Goals" and select "Custom" will give you the option to change a lot of things... Good Luck!!
  • If you have a slight heart issue, I wouldn't do anything without the advice of a medical professional.
  • There isn't a specific time due to differing schedules (aka, telling a bartender they should not eat after 8 pm wouldn't make sense because their day really is just starting), but I do know that you do not want to go to bed on a full stomach. Make sure the last thing you eat is at least an hour before you go to bed at…
  • If you worked that hard, I am assuming you drank a lot of water which could have lead to water weight gain. Massages are designed to help improve blood flow, so no they shouldn't cause you to gain weight. Don't worry about a gain over a one day period. Make sure to track everything over a period of time, while keeping a…
  • Find time to do some strength training and get specific with a good leg workout. The stronger the muscles are around those joints, the more support those muscles will give. It will also strengthen the ligaments attached to those bones giving you more support. This should help alleviate the pain.
  • One other thing about heart rates. Your maximum heart rate is part of the equation for calculating the target heart rate. For most people, the range for improving their cardio output is in the 80% intensity range. The formula for that is a little more complex. Max HR = 220 - age (most simple and widely used, but there are…
  • I have the same problem. My normal resting HR is about 55. When I workout my HR sometimes approaches 200. I had a series of lab tests done, two separate stress tests in which we had my heart rate over 210, once at 224. The cardiologists couldn't find anything wrong, and basically said that as long as there is no pain or…