Clovisimo Member


  • cc, I too am in your boat!! Lifelong struggles....going up and down and up and down. Good for you!! You'll stick with it=)
  • I like something simple, like water and some kind of high protein...usually nuts or a protein shake. It's a tough balance to get it within your calorie count, but you just have to make sure you balance it out with dinner! If I can't get my workout in before dinner, I will sometimes split up my dinner...have the carbs…
  • It's a cliche for a reason (because cliches tend to be true)...everything in moderation=) I'm not expert, but in my humble opinion, getting the "dollar menu" mcchicken and small fries every now and again isn't the end of the world. Just keep within your calorie count for the day, and have them for lunch on a "big exercise"…
  • Thanks so much everyone!!! It makes so much sense, but it helps to hear it from others. I don't want to "fail"...and I can see from all of you with your amazing progress that I won't!! I very much appreciate the time in the responses!!! Today I'm back to work. Drinking tons of water. Eating bland foods to combat the…
  • I'm going to get a tattoo also!! How fun. I can't wait to wear a bikini again and be the "cutesy blonde" wife that my husband married. I want to be able to run up stairs and not get winded. I want to wear single-digit sizes. I want to be proud of myself again.
  • I still give in to my emotional eating, but will do so with something better. First, I have at least one tall glass of water. It's amazing how much slower and less I eat when I have that feeling of "full". I used to chow down on a bag of Ruffles and container of onion dip. Now, I'll have some pita chips and hummus...and…