what to eat after a night workout?

so dinner - workout - what to eat after?


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    food usually
  • anything you want. As long as it fits in your macros
  • geco22
    geco22 Posts: 29 Member
    Yeah I find it hard to eat a lot after a night workout, so I usually eat some snacky things slowly and that works for me.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    whatever you would normally eat... but if you know you're going to workout try and include those calories earlier in the day
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    Usually I don't eat anything after my late nite workout since I don't feel comfy sleeping with full stomach. So I do my work out and shower and next gto to sleep. Or I have some herb tea without sugar. But sometimes it is not so late and then I go for protein snack, like tuna or some nuts... I like working out late, sleep like a baby ;)
  • hopeC12
    hopeC12 Posts: 38
    Apple slices with peanut butter (the kind with no added sugar). Or if you just want a small snack, maybe a string cheese?
  • Clovisimo
    Clovisimo Posts: 7 Member
    I like something simple, like water and some kind of high protein...usually nuts or a protein shake. It's a tough balance to get it within your calorie count, but you just have to make sure you balance it out with dinner!

    If I can't get my workout in before dinner, I will sometimes split up my dinner...have the carbs before the workout then the protein(lean chicken or pork) after. Yeah, it's a little weird, but it helps from exceeding the calories of the day.

    Hope it helps =) You've made amazing progress so far!
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    After a workout, especially an evening workout, I try to focus on recovery. That means some carbs (without going carb crazy) and a whole lot of protein. There is a lot of evidence to suggest your body's ability to metabolize fats and amino acids is increased during and for a short period (30-45 minutes) following exercise, so I usually try to get in a good recovery meal in that time frame. I like to get a lot of protein before I go to bed anyway so either way I'm going to be having a protein shake. When I haven't had an evening workout, I have just casein powder mixed with water to ensure a long slow digesting supply of protein overnight. If I'm recovering after a workout and only shortly before bed, I'll mix Casein and Whey (faster digesting) with 2% milk as a recovery drink. Lots of protein, some carbs and fats, great for setting the body up to rebuild that tissue. As for foods, I'd be focused on meats, cheeses and nuts with maybe some form of bread or pasta to round out some carbs.

    That's my approach anyway, hopefully that gives you some ideas.
  • I work out mostly at night and I eat a piece of fruit or some dry cereal.
  • Amanda0815
    Amanda0815 Posts: 11 Member
    My trainer used to have us eating hard boiled eggs, hummus and some steamed spinach. I'd sneak in a few pita chips too. I think she said to eat mostly protein if you're eating late.
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    Whatever you eat, try and make sure you're not eating anything with too many carbs especially before you go to bed. Avoid foods high in sugar. Best suggestion would be to have a protein shake or bar and drink plenty of water. You will trick your body into think it is full and give yourself a couple of hours for whatever you consume to settle before going to bed. I always take a 16oz bottle of water and leave by the nightstand in case I feel a hunger pain during the night. Just make sure you don't have a weak bladder:smile:
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    thank you so much all!! :) xx
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    I always workout in the evening before dinner and when I am done I find I am not really hungy. I do try to eat a bit of protien and lots of water. I also try to eat the bulk of my calories during the day since I know my appetie tends to slack after a workout