What happens when you're sick???

I'm in the middle of week four of a running program, and I'm doing really well! I love it, and I feel so much better.

But, today, I got knocked down by a migraine. I'm not even sure if I'll be doing my pushups situps and squats today. I've been pretty much sitting in the dark, feeling like hell.

So, when you're in the midst of a program and you're doing great, what do you do when you get sick and sidelined?? Do you try to push through and suffer? Do you take a break for a few days and then pick up where you left off?

I don't like it...


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I took a break from running while I was sick, and started again when I felt better and ran better than I did before I got sick.

    You will be fine if you take some time off. Listen to your body, and take a break if you need it.
  • Chrissymmartin
    Chrissymmartin Posts: 22 Member
    I'd give yourself a few days to relax and get healthy... if you really don't want to stop all together, maybe just some walking or light exercises. But I'd load up on the fluids, and get plenty of rest to get that sickness out of you!
  • Listen to your body! I broke my foot in May (I actually didn't know I broke it & continued to work out on it for about a month!) but once I had it x-rayed and had to wear a cast-shoe I had to re-think my fitness routine. I walked and did upper body & ab work, and still managed to lose weight!

    If you really feel miserable take a day off...you'll be better in the long run!
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    For me, it usually depends on how I am feeling. If I just have a cold, I might still exercise, but only lightly. However, if you're feeling really terrible, I would skip the workout and fuel your body with healthy foods and drink a lot of water. Once you start feeling like yourself again, you can get back to working out. I know everyone is different, but I think your body will thank you if you give it a break when you're sick! Hope you feel better soon!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I don't feel guilty taking some time off when I'm sick. Just get right back to your training schedule as soon as you feel better.

    I totally sympathize about the migraines though. I get mine around period time and they're total hell. Sound and light sensative, sometimes with tunnel vision.... and sometimes I get dry heaves. Pretty nasty.

    I take Excederine Migraine and if those don't work, them my Rx Imitrex. I also use ice on my head, heat on my neck, and Ben-Gay wherever it hurts (I think having my face singed off, distracts me from the migraine!:-P).

    Feel better!

  • Clovisimo
    Clovisimo Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!!! It makes so much sense, but it helps to hear it from others. I don't want to "fail"...and I can see from all of you with your amazing progress that I won't!! I very much appreciate the time in the responses!!!

    Today I'm back to work. Drinking tons of water. Eating bland foods to combat the nausea. I'm hoping to be back on the treadmill tomorrow. IF that can't happen, then I will just accept it, wait, and keep moving forward!