CoachKristenSmith Member


  • I don't have any suggestions cuz I don't know of any apps like that. But, unscientifically, you can find out what her typical average pace is, like a 9-minute mile or 10-minute mile or whatever, and see what time it is when she crosses the start and then you can kind of estimate what time she will finish. Worked for my…
  • Wellz, I had surgery 18 months ago - the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. In 5 months I lost 80 pounds and it was super easy, I couldn't overeat if I tried! Then everything changed, my body got content and I had to whip it in to high gear to lose the rest of my excess weight over the next 7 months through daily HARD exercise,…
  • I am starting tonight too! I finished 30 day shred and had such great results, I'm ready to go again! Great to have some accountability buddies!
  • I gave it up permanently as of 1/1/12. It hasn't been too hard after I saw pictures online of the McDonald's happy meal that had been sitting out for over a year and showed NO decomposition. Google it. It will make you happy to skip fast food!
  • I did Level 2, Day 5 yesterday. I have lost inches already, 3 on around my waist and 1 on each thigh!! Haven't lost much in actual weight but I can feel myself really losing the inches and my arms/shoulders feel a LOT more muscular. I find Level 2 super challenging, I have to take a break occasionally and the strength…
  • Today i'll do L1D7. I took Friday off as I was just too busy to fit it in on a Friday night but it was good to rest a bit anyway. My legs were so sore but I powered through it and now I have no soreness. My endurance has improved a TON, just like Jillian said it would at day 5 or 6, so I am glad to have a few more days to…
  • I just did day 3 as well - I was going to skip it cuz I'm SO SORE but I just decided to do it and told myself I could skip a bit if I was too sore. But i got through it :) So we rock!
  • Day 2 for me was yesterday. I told myself I didn't HAVE to do it, I am allowed to do every other day but that made me WANT to do it. I can not walk straight today, my quads are just so sore. I seriously am limping and walking like an old lady. It's gonna be worth it then I guess, but wow, I didn't realize how out of shape…
  • I just started yesterday so I'm a day late but I wanna have a place for accountability too. I did it in October for about 2 weeks and quit, so upset with myself for that!! Going to persevere this time! Probably do it every day for the most part but telling myself I am allowed to do it every other day so I don't get…
  • My advice is to count your protein grams, not necessary calories from protein. You can set your own goals on here for daily protein grams and calories and carbs and just log your foods to hit your goals. I do that because I have to hit a certain number of protein grams a day and it works great. I have done Power 90 and I…
  • I just started on 10/12/11 and it is seriously the hardest workout I've ever had in 20 minutes. I was doing the old Tony Horton Power 90 every day for a couple of weeks, the level 3-4 and those are about 40 minutes and I thought that this one would be easy comparatively. HA HA HA HA, Jillian kicks my butt! I was blown…