

  • I've noticed that around TOM and around ovul I kinda blow up and put a good bit of water weight on... I also cry, eat chocolate and scream at people... so what's the difference if I feel fat, lmao. I don't weigh or measure my food... I would have to get desperate to do that. I do eat my workout calories. I tend to eat…
  • I'm sorry! I know how crappy that can be... had a day like that myself! I WONT come out without finding something in a smaller size. I tell myself it doesn't matter, only how it fits does, but it still bugs me. I was able to find something I needed in a smaller size the other day and found pants I liked better but wouldve…
  • No, you've never been "chunky"... you just weren't super duper toned like you are now. I was SKINNY there... ahhh... to get back to that, lol.
  • Hmmm, that gives me 5 weeks. I think I can do it... it certainly won't do anything but good for me to try! I need to shoot for 3.5 miles right? I hope this ones not all up hillers like the one you did last week ;-)
  • Wow! That's great- I've been told p90x kicks some major hiney! Awesome job stickin with it!