New Here

Hi everyone! I've been here for just a few days! My bf/sil encouraged me to check it out, and after seeing how buff and trim she's gotten- I had to see for myself. Personally, I find the fact that I can EARN myself more food probably the most awesome thing ever invented! I mean, if I wanted to, I could go eat a cookie or two and still be on track for weight loss, how awesome is that? It's so exciting to read through the community to see people struggling like myself. I've just started back walking/jogging again and am more psyched about it than I ever have before. I'm DISAPPOINTED now if something interferes. I never thought I'd feel that way ;-)

A little about me- I weighed in initially at 157. I have always been realllllly skinny my entire life, despite eating like a hog. I never even kept any weight on after my 2 babies. I was diagnosed with celiac disease 1.5 yrs ago. Since my tummy has healed on my gluten free diet, I now ACTUALLY absorb calories- something i've never had to deal with before. So, I'm having to learn to watch what i eat like a normal person and exercise.

I'm glad to say I'm finally past all the why me, pitty party of it all. I'm not happy with how I look and feel and I want to get back to my "normal" weight of 127. That may actually be a bit low (I'm 5'7"). It's not "underweight" but it's on the low end of normal for my height. I don't know what normal is since I ballooned so quickly once my tummy healed. I'd be happy to get to 140 at this point ;-) But my main goal is to kick my sil's hiney in a 5k *yes candice, i know you'll be reading this ;-)*

Thanks for listening and good luck to everyone!


  • bbcoachredtex78
    Check this out and let me know if you wanna know more:
  • candicecumbie
    :laugh: Yes I am reading this. I am up for the challange. There's one in Florala on the 19th of June. The Gator Trot, you gonna be ready?!
  • erinecox1981
    Hmmm, that gives me 5 weeks. I think I can do it... it certainly won't do anything but good for me to try! I need to shoot for 3.5 miles right? I hope this ones not all up hillers like the one you did last week ;-)
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    Hey Welcome. Im gluten free also for the same time frame. It is a struggle but you can do it. Love this site and have been able to do this for 4 months with ease just because you have the support and no judging.
    Welcome and have fun.