icemann78x Member


  • I just ordered the MisFit Flash. It is at a great price point for $45 on Amazon. It has the same exact functionality of the MisFit Shine but is made of plastic instead of aluminum. I don't have it yet but it has received great reviews.
  • I am definitely more on board for the whips & Vampire roll playing. Not so much the roll the dice roll playing. Plus the sex type would burn WAY more calories. Have they added sex to the calorie tracker yet? ha :devil:
  • The same thing happened to me. We had a kid and a year later I was 70 lbs up. It wont be easy but "If it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you." Using this app to simply see how what we eat affects us is truly eye opening. Keep the faith.
  • I agree. I am striving to be better every day. Faster or farther. I want to work up to do the Gasparilla 10k in March. It's a lofty goal but I thought a 5k in 3 months was too. Keep working hard.
  • Yes I did the Run for the Fallen. Still waiting on the pictures from the event to post. It was a great first run. I am looking forward to many more.
  • Thank you all for saying this was inspirational. I definitely looked here for inspiration a lot at the start too. It really does feel good to hit my goals. The best thing is knowing I can play in the back yard with my son and not be that guy that is winded and sweating up a storm. I won't struggle to keep up with him.
  • I can't take the credit. I took it from the internet. Actually it is a picture I printed out and have on my office door. It inspires me to run on my lunch break every day.
  • I don't know how much you have to lose but I am 10 weeks into a biggest loser competition at work and I have lost 41lbs so far. So you can definitely lose a lot of weight in 8 weeks. I have been staying 400-600 calories below what the app gives me daily. I have been doing cardio 6 days a week and sometimes twice a day. It…
  • As far as eating too little you don't want your body to think it is starving because then it stores everything as fat because its not sure when it will eat again. The best advice is to eat 5-6 times a day. Personally I have breakfast, lunch and dinner with a snack between. ie granola bar, banana etc. To avoid water…
    in Curious Comment by icemann78x July 2012
  • It may be the Accountant in me that needs a numeric value of progress daily.
  • I weigh in every morning. I keep track of the losses only though. There will be fluctuations but the idea is it should trend downwards. I don't beat myself up if I see i stayed the same or gained a pound one day because the next day or two days later It will be lower than yesterday.
  • We had our son 2 years ago. Bad part is my wife lost the weight she gained. I apparently gained the same amount and decided to keep it on. Now our son is 2 and I am dropping the weight. I want to be a good example for him. Plus since we are talking about number two I can not afford to gain more weight. hahaha