"Momma said not to wear my moccasins" - Michael Jackson. Made more sense than "Mama-say mama-sah ma-ma-coo- sah" then, and still makes more sense now. :)
I had pizza once in Switzerland that had corn on it. That's why I'm saying "I had pizza ONCE in Switzerland." lol
I have the exact same problem. When I leave work I'm feeling all proud of myself because I've done so well all day. But then.... I go home and want to snack even while I'm MAKING dinner! I think maybe I should eat more during the day (not more volume, but maybe go lighter for breakfast and lunch so I can afford a few…
I found an 8 year old boy hiding in my dryer. Seriously. I know, I know... terribly unsafe (and I explained that to him... once I finally stopped laughing and composed myself.) But talk about a shock when you open the door to toss in a load of towels.