

  • My house is immaculate because I have nothing else to do! Haha. And yes, water is all I drink nowadays :( batty5, I started dieting about 6 months ago and fell off the wagon because I didn't shift any weight! I really don't know why it's happened this time. But good luck :)
  • No I've barely done any exercise apart from doing about 2 hours of housework everyday! That's why I'm so shocked!
  • Can't you show her what she's putting at risk? A beautiful 4 month old baby, a happy marriage, etc. Show her what she stands to lose. But if not, I guess trying to get her professional help would be the best thing you could do.
  • I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong! I've lost 3.5lbs this week and then this morning I get on the scales and I've put 0.75lbs on. Might not seem a lot but it's dented my confidence :( scared I'll fall back into eating everything in sight when I'm down.
    in Weight Comment by amieclaire July 2010