

  • I hope you had a wonderful birthday! It has been so cold here in the mornings I haven't gone on a morning walk the last few days. I need to find my long yoga pants!
  • Today I swam for about 2 hours in my sisters pool. Just hanging out but it was definitely a mini workout. Tomorrow morning I plan to go for a run before the weather gets too hot. Side note for the movies. Bring your own popcorn! I have an airpopper at home that I like to use. Also flavored water or sparkling water. To me…
  • WELCOME!! Losing or maintaining on vacation is SO hard. I think I gained back 6lbs on my honeymoon last year alone!! After a year of diet and exercise I was so happy to just eat what I wanted and it showed on the scale!! Be mindful and keep moving :)
  • WELCOME CODY!! Good luck!! Feel free to share info of what you're doing!
  • So glad you are back Kim! Welcome!! I'm hoping to be the weight I was when I got married last Sept by the end of this year. Due to a medication/insurance issue I put on 40lbs this year. Not ok!!
  • I think I will do the lunge and plank challenge next month! I love adding those in. Focusing on one area at a time :) Cutting out soda will help tremendously! One can of Coke has 39g of sugar in it. That's more than my daily allowance of sugar! Are you logging those?
  • We have an Xbox Kinect. I wonder if there is a similar game. I shall look into this! I sometimes have to combat the Boredom Demon when it comes to the food I eat. I feel like it's the same stuff over and over and over again!
  • Hummus and veggies is my all time fave!! Keep up the good work!
  • Congrats on signing up for the gym. What I do is I set appointments in my phone for my fave gym classes. That way I plan my day around my workout. Try that out and let me know if it works for ya!
  • Sunburns are the worse when you want to workout! I got sunburnt badly last year and my trainer at time time showed me no mercy. Dumbbell flys, chest press, push ups, you name it, he made me do it! I have heard of the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos but haven't tried them. I live in a coastal town and some days the wind…
  • When you walk is it on all flat ground? I like hiking up trails. Makes me sweat more!
  • LOL I know what you mean about those darn audio noises!
  • MOTIVATION VIBES COMING YOUR WAY! I wish I wasn't allergic to almonds!! I hear they are a great snack. I love bread, I should cut it out but I just can't LOL
  • WELCOME! I know exactly what you mean. I work a desk job so I set an alarm on my phone to ensure that I get up and move each half hour, if I don't do that I can find myself sitting for hours at a time!
  • WELCOME! I added you! I am also a part of a 90 day challenge and I set 30 days goals. What is your current 30 day goal? Mine is to lose 8-10lbs.
  • WELCOME! We ask that you post your progress every Sunday if possible. Weekly accountability is key!
  • WELCOME!! The squat challenge I am using starts day 1 with 50 squats and increases by 5 each day. The ab challenge starts with 15 sit-ups and increases by 5 each day. I also have a thyroid disorder so I completely understand.
  • WELCOME!! My best piece of advice is to track everything! Be conscious of the amount of sodium you are consuming as well. Do you have the MFP app on your cell phone? Having it so easily available makes it much easier. That way you won't forget!
  • WELCOME! 100 mile challenge? WOW! What is your plan to break it up?
  • WELCOME! Congrats on the 12lb weight loss!! Keep us posted on your progress!
  • WELCOME! I was a late college go-er too so I know exactly what you are talking about. I tend to fall off on the weekends too. I found that making a menu especially for dinner really helps me to stay focused.
  • WELCOME MIMI! I love watching that show! Keep in mind those individuals are very sick and lead sedentary lives. They drastically change their lives so they drop weight very quickly. Congrats on starting your 6 week training. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
  • NATALIE!!!!!! You can do it!!!!
  • WELCOME RHONDA!! I aim for 10,000 steps per day but being that I have a desk job it makes it much harder. What kind of work do you do?
  • WELCOME STEPHANIE!! Are you an experienced runner? I want to be, if that makes sense! I'm using the C25K app to help me start! Good luck on your 50 mile challenge, keep us posted!
  • WELCOME! That's an ambitious goal and with persistence you can reach it! Good luck!
  • WELCOME! So glad you were able to join us again. Hope you got your workout in last night!
  • WELCOME NEVE! I know what you mean about wanting to look good on halloween. Good luck with your goals!
  • WELCOME MICHELE! I was just telling my husband last night i wanted to do an arm challenge! Good luck!
  • It's easy to judge a person when you haven't walked in their shoes. I wish you luck with your recovery.