

  • Great point! Yesterday I burned over 600 calories during my yoga session, but today I wasn't feeling well and I basically had to make myself do anything, so I only got about 300 calories doing the same series. It is all about what you put into it, but you just have to make sure that you're doing the best you can today and…
  • Yogini here! My current obsession is Bikram Yoga. It is a 26 pose sequence with 2 breathing exercises done in a room heated to around 100 degrees. I am starting a 2-month challenge today. Bikram Choudhury states in his book that if you do his sequence every day for two months it will completely change your body. Granted,…
  • Love mine! It doesn't calculate calories, mostly just BMI progress. I wore my heart monitor while I tried out a lot of the stuff and burned about 450 calories in a little over an hour, and that was mostly doing the yoga with a little bit of the aerobic-emphasis stuff. The best part about it is that it's honest with you. It…
    in Wii Fit Comment by BabyGrlRae May 2008
  • This site explains the target heart rate pretty well. Basically the "moderate" zone on the heart monitor is the aerobic zone, which is where you want to be. In short, the longer you stay in the anaerobic zone the more your body will have to get its energy from what is stored in your muscles, not your fat. In order to burn…
  • You can absolutely do it! You have just the right amount of time to train for a marathon in a way that allows you to accelerate at a good pace to avoid injury. If you're still interested in running Chicago, I recommend doing it with Team in Training. Team in Training works with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, so it does…
  • It was me. This helped clear things up and in the end I decided to increase my calories (oh darn, right?) and only do the 500 cal deficit/day. Thinking I may have been pushing a little too much. Thanks for the help!
  • I know this has been gone over soooooooo many times before, but I just want to make sure that I'm clear as I'm only 4 weeks in and stalling. I went to at least 10 different BMR calculators and came up with an average of 1605 calories. I'm thinking that I should not eat less than this (which has been repeated when this…
  • I loooooove Bikram Yoga. Here is an excellent website with all sorts of info and tools:
  • The Weight Watchers Chocolate Cakes are really good. They're about 3 bites and only 80 calories. Enough to satisfy the craving though.