sparrett Member


  • Well sounds like this group has been super quiet! Hope everyone is meeting their personal goals. I didn't do the greatest but here's my follow up from March: 1. Increase push ups to 15 reps (From 10) : Success 2. Loose 6-10 LBS (157-163) : NOPE! 3. Decrease weight of assisted pull ups by 2 bars: Success 4. Participate in 1…
  • Welcome Helen, I'd like to invite you to also check out the group MFP China. There's quite a few members and many conversations to join. We'll keep recruiting for Taiwan but in the meantime you may find some useful information there. As per Taiwan, how are you doing? How's the New Year? My biggest struggle is the…
  • WWnChina What a GREAT idea about rice as a blotter for oil! And I'm totally taking your wet sponge idea. Sure beats trying to guess what a 100g of a product would break down to.
  • Jurgen_Kluft, I started the bulletproofexc way of eating about 6 weeks ago. It's pretty much the same clean-eating as before but I've replaced my breakfast with bullet proof coffee and fats with coconut oils and grass fed butter. That coffee is AMAZING! It keeps me going from 8am till the mid afternoon before I'm hungry…
  • What type of foods are you curious about here? Usually I log each ingredient on it's own and always add extra oils to compensate for the cooking. I try to order BBQ or steamed as much as possible. I avoid mystery meat. My Fitness Pal has a surprisingly large database for Chinese food. Try looking it up on google, finding…
  • Welcome Russell, Looks like it's just you and I right now. Check out MFP in China group. A few more people there. My best advise for you, hit up those veggie marts and start cooking for yourself or try BBQ'd foods, not as delicious as fried noodles or dumplings but certainly healthier.
  • I haven't checked this group in a while, but I love the February goals. I post monthly goals on my fridge. I'll join you guys in March. In the meantime, how's everyone doing with their goals???
  • I'm sure you guys have the "fish markets" or "Gam Bei" restaurants. If you don't down too many beers. BBQ Fish has to be a great option as well as some of the clear broth soups. But those vegs, over cooked and douced in oil! Can't be good. Been feeling great. But cheated with dumplings tonight. OH SO GOOD!
  • JUSTVEGAS, I am recovering from a left torn ACL and Right broken Fibula, I created a few great workouts that have little impact on your knees. Lot's of mat work and zero to low resistance. Send me a PM if you'd like to hear more. As I mentioned to AlaskaDawnita, you should look into physio or a few sessions with a trainer…
  • Hey AlaskaDawnIta The best advise I can give you is, listen to your doctor, but listen to your body more. Go slow, if you can afford it get a trainer for a few sessions so they can monitor your every move or sign up for some physio. BUT START SLOW! I'm recovering from a broken ankle and today was the first day I did lunges…
  • Thanks for the share! That was amazing!
  • Hey ONEBLUESOCK! I am also in Taiwan. It's SO hard to eat healthy here unless you take full advantage of the veggiemarts. I've been here for 3 years. Gained weight my first year but learned my lesson and started cooking in more than eating out and trying to avoid the late night 7-11 runs. I'm in Kaohsiung. Where do you…
  • "If you still look cute at the end of your workout you didn't... TRAIN HARD ENOUGH!"
  • Hi Everyone, I as well will be 30 by February of 2015. It was my 26th birthday when I realised I had slowly gained all of this extra weight and had lost sight on what made me happy. Being fit and active. It is my goal to look the best I have ever looked on my 30th birthday. Not only is this my goal, but it is my lifestyle…
  • Hi Everyone, I am currently recovering from a bad wakeboarding accident that left me with a right broken ankle, hairline fracture in my right shin and a partial tear in my left ACL. I have another 6 weeks on crutches and not cleared for wakeboarding for 6 MONTHS!! I am so upset as I am currently living in Asia with access…
  • You can do it! Good luck! Focus on your weightloss as a lifestyle change not a diet. As you know, weight always comes back from these crash diets. Read some articles, get some support and track your food through fitnesspal. I previously used a not so great sight to track my calories and it helps SO much! By seeing how much…