

  • I understand some of your frustration. I'm 5'2" as well and my lowest weight was 123 but I am comfortable at the 125 I am now and I feel good. I "cheat" as well but I don't feel too guilty because I know I look and feel better. My advice is just don't let other ppl's comments or blogs get you down. You are losing weight…
  • Don't let it get you down. Maybe you need to go clothes shopping and buy something alittle form fitting to show off your new curves. If you feel good about yourself then that is all that matters because you are getting healthy for YOU!! Keep it up and don't get discouraged.
  • Anyone know how to calculate exercises for the Brazilian Butt Lift? I have the DVD's but not sure how to calculate the repitetions and how many calories I've burned. If anyone can help, i'd appreciate it. Thanks.
  • I thought it was mostly because it is winter here in Seattle, but I am wearing warm fuzzies every night with warm socks and i do not wake up sweating or anything like I use to. I guess it is one of the bad things about losing weight, but not bad enough to stop -:) I will have to see what it is like in the summer and see if…
  • I think #2 is very slimming on you. My second choice would be #1. Hope it's made your decision easier -:)
  • I am 50 years old and I have been watching my calories for about 2 months now and exercising 2-3 times a week and I have dropped 18 lbs. I have not been this weight since before I had kids. It has been fun actually trying to keep my calorie count at what they recommend or below and you will get there with patience and…
  • I bought my first pair of stretch skinny jeans. I love them!
  • I use a "cheat" day but in moderation. Its usually Friday because that is our "night out" and I don't want to limit myself totally. I still am conscious of what I eat but I do not brow beat myself if I go over in the calorie count.
  • Welcome. I just started this a week ago myself. I have been doing Zumba (DVD's) since last January. I have gone from a size 12 to an 8. It feels wonderful but I figured I couldn't get the results I really wanted unless I did something about my eating. I find that being accountable for everything that goes in your mouth…
  • Good Luck. You can do it :flowerforyou: