ebrady913 Member


  • So a friend gave us this service when LO was born and we've been using the recipes from the cookbook when we run out of meals- it's really nice since the recipes are only for 2 servings so we can easily split it in half. Here's the link to the cookbook (which is free to use) One of DH's favorite things is French Onion Soup…
  • So unfortunately the cookies were in the freezer and now they're gone... :/ BUT I had lost my wallet (which made the day that much worse) and this morning- someone had put it in our mailbox! With everything still in it! Too bad we found it after canceling all the credit cards and going to the DMV for a new license but at…
  • DS let me make it to the last ab circuit so I missed that sand the cool down. Since this is my day 2, I am feeling a bit sore but having my mat out helped lots!!!
  • So technically this is Day 1 for me though I started the 30 DS before so I know the routine. I'm not super religious but (yesterday) was Ash Wednesday which marks the start of Lent so I thought I'd take on working out since I've never successfully given anything up... The workout was definitely hard- I followed Anita for…
  • I did a lot of research into this because I also want to breastfeed more than I want to lose weight. Breastfeeding itself (or the process of making the milk) burns about 500 calories per day according to several sources. One MFP thread suggested that you burn 3 calories per minute of breastfeeding (which ended up being…
  • I'm pretty sure it would since the point is that you're expressing the calories. Even with pumping, you're "eating" for 2!
  • I'm a huge breakfast eater. Depending on LO's mood, I grab a bagel or cereal (I eat cereal dry even cheerios...), if he's content I'll make a waffle and breakfast sausage- applegate farms make frozen ones that you just microwave and they are delicious (I don't eat beef or pork but they have chicken varieties too). I always…
  • Unfortunately because my blood pressure has been an issue, I am not allowed to "workout" until they clear me which will hopefully be at my 6 week appt on Monday... I'll start it as soon as I can but will definitely be behind :( I think there are a few more who can't workout officially yet so maybe we could have a second…
  • I'm Elizabeth and I'm up in snowy New Hampshire! I was 241 at the appointment the day before I had my son and would like to get down to 175... I was 208 at my first prenatal check up. After trying to lose weight off and on by myself, I'm excited to have other people to hold me accountable! I always stop when I hit that…