

  • Nah, I just don't like the flavor. Why have protein powder when you can have peanut butter or nuts or cheese or meat etc etc. Fears of fat content are overrated, I think, what really matters is calorie content, portion size, and making sure food tastes good!
  • 1) Refried beans. Easy and always a hit. Melt 1tbsp butter in a pan on medium, saute garlic+red pepper flakes, then add diced onion and saute until translucent, then 2-3 cans of pinto beans (be sure to rinse them first). Let them heat up a bit, then mash with a potato masher, adding water if they dry out. Add a few shakes…
  • Some of my favorites (not Christmas specifically, but nice for festive dinners)…
  • I'm so sorry to hear you're treated so poorly at home. That's just wrong, absolutely no one deserves that! It's quite possible the stress of being there is contributing to your difficulties losing weight (certainly when I'm stressed I gain weight!). Maybe you could use "job searching" as an excuse to get out of the house,…
  • This is awesome, thanks for the advice! Yeah I know 20 is a high number, but that's why I picked it! I guess I imagine that doing a bajillion pull-ups are the ultimate sign of fitness. 6-9 months sounds pretty good to me. Anyway I'll post here when I get there!