

  • as for spandex, I like to wear them so it holds things in, and it's not cotton that won't breath, who the hell cares what you look like. you're there for a workout. Get over it....
  • OH and the cramps...well that's because you don't have enough blood flow through your veins...I have had severe cramps and the cure for those are to make sure you get your blood flowing. So if you are lifting hard you need to do a light run or something light and fast to get that blood flowing. Get the lactate going. So,…
  • Yes. creatine helps with the pain. It's something your body produces when it's younger thats why teens recover so much quicker. But I kick box hard and lift weights and spin twice a day and sitting on the toilet (bit of information over load) got to be a challenge. So, I take 2 before I work out and 2 after and 2 before…
  • anything from Nickleback...
  • You can do this...I lost 185 pounds, maybe I can have a couple of tidbits for you. You can add me.
  • OK, this is what I do, start your routine off with a warm up. Do 25 push ups, sit ups leg raisers, squats, and lunges. Do this twice. Than jump on your elliptical for 6 minutes and try to hit it hard. Than get off and and do 6 different exercises for a minute each. So grab 7 to 10 pounds depending on your strength and do…
  • Yes, I was over 330 some pounds. I'm now 155...still have just a bit more to go but all in all, it took a good 2 years to loose the majority of it. I've kept it off for 9 years now...if you want to talk more let me know
  • I'm sure you've heard all the advice you need. For me, and I was addicted, but protein keeps me stable. Drink a protein shake before a small meal and you won't eat as much and won't think of your tummy cause you are satisfied. I lost 185 pounds and have kept it off for 8 years. You can do this!
  • Well...I do cardio kickboxing for an hour or I'm doing circuit training for an hour to an hour and a half or I'm biking for 2 hours or I power walk 5 miles an hour. I usually do one or two of the above once a day somtimes twice a day for 6 days a week. One day is for rest. How's that? I lost 180 pounds.....
  • you need to change it up...take a class. Theres plenty out there that will work around a time. And you meet great friends. My kick boxing partner is now my best friend. We challenge each other and you socialize too.