

  • Add me, let's do this as a group! I lost 60 lbs. in 150 days because of this site and the people on it. Strength in numbers. Anybody who wants to add me, add me. The more the merrier!
  • Awesome job! Keep it up! Hopefully the next shred does even better!
  • When I say circuit training I mean with strength exercises like Bench, Incline, Leg Press, Chest Fly's, etc. I have never done any workouts like a 30-Day Shred, or anything along those line, so I don't know if they are around free weights, machines, cardio, resistance, etc. I would assume that the Shred would replace your…
  • Depending on your ultimate goal, you may want to try a few different things. If you want to just lose weight then try cardio, 45-60 minutes, plus circuit training. On average, cardio will keep your metabolism going for 24 hours, where strength exercises will keep it going for up to 72 hours. Circuit training, if you are…
  • Way to go! Keep it up, today was day 130 for me on MFP. Rock on!!!
  • I am hoping my 8-10pm slot is still fairly empty. I joined mid-year, in June, but didn't start going regularly until September. Sort of the opposite of the NYR people. I signed up, then never returned, then showed back up later, lol. Either way, as long as people understand etiquette, and are not on my machine (Because, of…
  • So, it was ok for other guys to comment, and now that I did, it's not ok anymore?
  • It's definitely doable, I have lost 15kg in the last 70 days or so, and I by no means killed myself. I still ate about 2400 calories a day, and burned 1000 off in the gym. Now, the tricky part is keeping it off after losing it that fast. 1kg/week is easy to keep off, but 2.5 is a lot to do. You will have to work hard to…
  • I only count water as water. I still count it if I add a flavor packet in it, like Crystal Light or something, but that's it. I drink at least 8-12 cups of water a day.