fe_nyx Member


  • It helps having somewhere to check in, keeps me motivated :)
  • I'm really enjoying it. I like doing something different everyday. I had been doing Jillian Michaels workouts, with good results, but got fed up doing the exact same thing for a week for 10 days straight. T25 is kicking my butt, but I feel great afterwards. I'm excited to see where it takes me and where I end up. I agree…
  • Yep, pretty much exactly as you were. A lot of modifying and panting lol But I enjoyed it
  • I liked it (I did it yesterday, the whole time difference thing). It was tough and I was a sweaty mess at the end, but I liked it more than Speed 1.0. I'm just watching the abs workout now to prep myself. I'll be doing that in about an hour. Eep!
  • Cool. I'm Crista Sumner. My profile pic is a kids drawing of cheese, if that helps :)
  • I've literally just finished it. WOW! HRM says 346 cals. I think I will feel great after a shower, but for now, I'm stuffed. Was good fun though
  • I'm already 600 grams down from when I started. Whether or not its the program or was just going to happen to come off now regardless, I'm happy :)
  • So far I've just been recording it as Aerobics, probably not accurate but its better than nothing. But I bought a HRM yesterday so I will try that out today and see what difference it makes. Unless doing Total Body Circuit kills me, then we'll never know lol
  • My arms are sore today, I think from all the punching maybe? Or maybe the 2 burpees I managed lol
  • I was rubbish at a few of the moves, but cos I didn't want it to beat me, I actually did it again later on in the day and was much better. I think the key for me is to watch them first and then do them, so I know what to expect. Although I watched total body circuit yesterday and it scared me lol So that is todays mission…
  • Well I was a mess during Speed 1.0. Just all over the place, working out that I'm not coordinated at all haha! Next time will be better (I hope). But I did my best and still pushed myself. I didn't like it as much as Cardio but I guess I can't like them all.
    in Day 1 Comment by fe_nyx March 2014
  • I started yesterday so did Speed 1.0 this morning. What an uncoordinated mess I am lol! Might take a bit to master this one. But I'm looking forward to tomorrow already
  • I did Speed 1.0 this morning. Wow, if I didn't know I was uncoordinated before, I sure do now. Some of the moves might take me a bit to master, but I'll get there
  • Yep I did it. It was great. It wasn't one where I wanted it to hurry up and be over like some of the other workouts I've done. Don't get me wrong though, I was glad when the 25 mins were up!. Day 2 for me, I've just checked and its Speed 1.0. Sounds awful!
    in Day 1 Comment by fe_nyx March 2014
  • I started March 3 (today) as well. I found it really good. Hard enough but without being too complicated and scary. And I love the counter on the screen, I find it really motivates me knowing how much I have done or how much I have left.
  • My partner is taking it and to be honest, I don't think its making any difference at all.
  • That was all I could see this morning while I was working out. hahahaha So distracting lol
  • I'm starting today! I did the cardio on Saturday just to try it out, and really enjoyed it. It kicked my butt for sure, but I felt great afterwards. Bit stiff yesterday though, but I know that will pass. Good luck to others starting today :)
  • I didn't like RI30 week 3 this morning at all, in fact I got half way through and stopped. I just didn't feel like it was working for me cos I spent more time trying to work out how to do the moves than actually doing them. So I did the cardio from T25 instead. I think tomorrow I will try week 4 and see how I get on and if…
  • Cool thank you. I might give them a try next. Have you heard much about Extreme Shed and Shred? I didn't have a rest day yesterday, woke up feeling fine so did my work out, only to twinge something on the other side. Definite rest day today (apart from the walk down to drop off library books for the kids, but that doesn't…
  • Urgh! I think I pulled a butt muscle this morning, or did something to my hip during my work out. Its twinging a little today :( Those darn side lunge/leg raise thingies in RI30 week 2, grr. Tomorrow might be my rest day instead of the day after, just to give it some time to sort itself out. I'm looking forward to moving…
  • I'd forgotten about this thread! Since I first wrote in here, I've finished the 30DS (and lost 38cm off my body, really happy with that!). I'm now doing RI30, I did week 2 day 2 this morning. There are a couple of moves in there that really kick my butt, and my (fl)abs are sore tonight, but I know after a couple more days…
  • I've got 3 more days left in my 30DS and I've been mixing it up with level 2 and 3 for the last week (still doing 10 days of each level though), just to keep me interested. I love the workouts, but find doing exactly the same thing for 10 days just gets a little boring. I figure I'm more likely to stick with something if…
  • I'd say 2013 was an awesome year, you look amazing! Well done!
  • I'm just over halfway through 30DS (day 16 today woo hoo!) and am already starting to think about what my next Jillian workout will be. Any suggestions? And would I be better to do just one, or mix it up a little? Thanks :)
  • I'm convinced! I bought some digital scales this morning, can't wait for them to arrive so I can weight everything. Yay!!
  • I've been logging it as Circuit Training - General
  • I make it with frozen, works really well. In fact, its my dinner plan for tonight, yummo!
  • I'm on day 7. The first 3 days were the worst for me, but its getting better and I'm noticing a difference already, which makes me want to stick with it
  • Hahahaha! I pretend I'm punching her too!!