

  • Hrmm, self bump.. hopefully I'll pick up some after lunch forum surfers. I also wanted to add, no I'm not losing inches either.. pants are getting tight.. so frustrated.
  • You have you answer, you are procrastinating on your coursework by munching. Unless you are truly hungry, I'd recommend going for a walk and then sitting down in a library and working on your coursework and getting it done, that will solve your munching problem. I use to get that way when I use to have piano lessons and I…
  • Vacation weight gain is always such a crazy thing. I recently gained.. wait for it.. 10 pounds in one week on a trip to Florida. I was so shocked that it really didn't even register - I've been more freaked out by a 1-2 pound gain .. ha! I had a pedometer and most days I was walking 7-10 miles. Granted, i was eating a bit…
  • Hi There, I had the same problem - cramp on the center to right side slightly below the ribcage. I have found that it will always go away in about 2-3 weeks of regular running. So I have to make sure to run at least twice a week or it comes back. My friend mentioned something about the organs getting adjusted to the impact…
  • I think the thing you need to lose is your boyfriend. It sounds like he doesn't treat you with respect... telling you things that could harm your body (only eating a banana a day) and not supporting a healthy eating style. Just sayin.
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