

  • im right there with u. im going through depression and just started on a new med for the umtith time. i cant seem to get the weight off. add me we can work it together cause i know i need someone to talk to :(
  • i just started a new account hoping that i can keep with it this time. soo looking for some friends to do this with. Im just chilling at 150 and really want to get down to 130. im 5' 3
  • i have to take Vit D everyday. mines so low it doesn't even register when they test my blood. i swear i feel like a drug addict in the morning with all the meds i take. i do have to say that with my Vit D being so non existent that im usually in quite a bit of pain in the joints so working out is painful. i try to make…
  • i do the same thing..its awful. i hate it. i just started back up and hope to stick to it. i even started a new account just to get motivated again..Looking for some Friends. :)
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