Low Vitamin D

So my doctor just told me I have low Vitamin D. I am on supplements twice a week. This does explain my lack of drive or passion... I feel tired or blah. I am wondering if anyone else has had to deal with this...and how long it took to get over the blah part?


  • becfrogs
    becfrogs Posts: 39 Member
    I just completed a 12 week treatment of 50,000iu of vit D and it was easily 2 months in before i felt better. I was having joint pains and hypertension so we don't know if the low vit D caused the issues or was just another symptom of multiple issues. I was retested and my vit D level is now normal and i feel great. Give it time....you will feel better soon.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I haven't done any research myself on vitamin D, but a dental hygienist, of all people, gave me a long "talking to" about the dangers of deficiency recently when I was trapped in her chair. Actually, it was very interesting and I am glad you reminded me to do that research. Apparently, depression and lack of "verve" are both symptoms of a deficiency. Worth looking into, I'd say!
  • treehugger215
    treehugger215 Posts: 97 Member
    Definitely!! Vitamin D and B vitamins are the very important when it comes to feeling energized and happy! You should feel better within a week (everyone is different thought!). I hope you feel better! Make sure you're taking 4-5000 IU's!
  • mkath4
    mkath4 Posts: 85 Member
    Just started 50,000 units of vitamin d for 8 weeks. I am severly deficient so my doc prescribed this high dose. This dose is not uncommon for those who are severly deficient. Still tired after one week, but doc said it could take a few weeks to feel better.
  • devteach1
    devteach1 Posts: 26
    How many times a week do you have to mkath4? I only have to take it twice a week... but it seems kind of strange.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Just wanted to say that you should take this seriously. Since most people have some amount of deficiency (usually mild), it tends to be one of those things that people let slide. Bad idea. I did that. I had levels in the single digits (about as low as it gets) and brushed it off. After experiencing horrible joint pain, I went to my doctor, sure that my rheumatoid arthritis had come out of remission. She did a routine blood test just to check on things and I received an urgent call a day later and had to go for more tests.

    The deficiency had been so low for so long that I'd developed osteomalacia (bone softening, the kind that would be called rickets in kids). It took a very long time to get back to normal and even though I have no symptoms now, the damage is done. And that's to say nothing of how severely the deficiency worsened my depression and anxiety.

    So yeah, just be sure to follow your doctor's instructions and be vigilant about monitoring the levels. Trust me, it's worth it.
  • brina06
    brina06 Posts: 4
    i have to take Vit D everyday. mines so low it doesn't even register when they test my blood. i swear i feel like a drug addict in the morning with all the meds i take. i do have to say that with my Vit D being so non existent that im usually in quite a bit of pain in the joints so working out is painful. i try to make sure i take some aleve before i start (when i actually do work out) . add me as a friend if u want someone to talk to. looking for some friends. :)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i had mine tested but here they are so backed up with them that it's going to take a few months to get my results back? :( my dr told me to just take the supplements anyway even without my results back. I am going to start them tomorrow, hopefully i will notice a change as i already get a b12 shot every 3 weeks...