

  • I haven't lost anything recently. it's been a hard few weeks. I haven't tried as much as i should but today is a new day.
  • You look great Fallen. I'm very proud of you. Keep up your great loss. It's just wonderful. I think you will meet your goal. i see the determination in your face. i fell off the wagon but will try again. It's a work in process. When i fall, i have to brush myself off and start again and think of your success. it's…
  • AMAZING. Keep up the Great Work. Hope I can do the same.
  • How exciting!!!! You have plenty of time. I wish great luck. Plan it all in your head how good you will look and make it a reality. Food is not a medication like we are using it. I would like to lose 35. I'm 175 and if I want a normal BMI I need to be 140. Just think of it we are one day closer to losing weight. Take care,…