Hi...I'm new

Hi, I'm Sheila and I am a stress eater. :laugh:
I am 47 and ready to take control. It is important to me that I regain a healthier lifestyle so I can do all the things my husband and I had planned for this next stage in our lives. Oh, I also have this little event in April...my only child's wedding, that I would like to be in better shape for. I think I've got the motivation covered, but would love a little support from those who are also battling the buldge. I need to lose a total of 75 pounds, but would love to see at least 50 of it gone by the wedding date...April 28th. Wish me luck.


  • I am new too and could use a buddy. You have an exciting year coming up. I want to lose the weight for myself but also for my children.
  • How exciting!!!! You have plenty of time. I wish great luck. Plan it all in your head how good you will look and make it a reality. Food is not a medication like we are using it. I would like to lose 35. I'm 175 and if I want a normal BMI I need to be 140. Just think of it we are one day closer to losing weight. Take care, Jo.
  • Thanks for the kind words Jo. I wish you luck as well. Looking forward to the journey.
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    welcome to the party!
  • otillie03103
    otillie03103 Posts: 107 Member
    Good luck! I am new to the site too and am finding it very helpful. Good luck on your journey.
  • Thanks guys. I've been on this weight loss roller coaster for years. I am trying a little different approach this time in that I am trying to make it fun, like a game or a personal quest. I really think MFP will help me with that. I have decided to break my overall goal up into three smaller goals of 25 pounds each. My thoughts are each individual goal will feel more achievable, give me something to celebrate, and provide encouragement to meet the next goal. After all, if I can loose 25 pounds once, why couldn't I do it 2 more times? I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking it, but it makes sence to me. :wink:
  • I haven't lost anything recently. it's been a hard few weeks. I haven't tried as much as i should but today is a new day.
  • mssygayle
    mssygayle Posts: 21 Member
    welcome hope you enjoy and please add me