mowryann Member


  • I have a shake recipe that is seriously absolutely DELICIOUS and literally has everything in it to keep you goin. It was a recipe from Dr. Oz's show....Spinach Rasberry Flaxseed Oil Shake: The below recipe makes 4 servings; each serving is 10 ounces. 2 Cups fresh or frozen raspberries 1 container of nonfat flavored yogurt…
  • geez...better go back to the source on that one...hmmmm???
  • One, two, three --- JUMP!!! I'm right along side:wink: ya!! :
  • It is officially on my recipe rotation....thanke:flowerforyou:
  • Garlic & herb is great. I like it on Garlic & Herb Wheat Thin Flatbread. Also good on celery or used as a condiment replacement on bread for meat sandwiches. Enjoy !!
  • Absolutely!! Thank you soooo much for sharing this. I needed the encouragement at this very moment. Persevere Mollie -- best of luck to you. :flowerforyou:
    in Persevere. Comment by mowryann June 2010
  • Lose the weight slowly, 1-2 pounds a week; that's anywhere from 52 to 104 in one year. AWESOME!! Make sure that you are adding cardio and strength training in the mix so you're adding muscle. You are only 21, so you have your age as a big advantage in that your skin should have a lot of elasticity left in it. Chances are…
    in Loose Skin Comment by mowryann June 2010
  • I use salsa...fresh or Pace Picante...Mmmmmm! Throw chicken and salsa or Pace in crockpot and cook on low until done. Very tasty and next to NOOOO calories added (maybe 10, maybe!!) Enjoy
  • I'll be having surgery once I reach my goal weight. I have gained and lost several times in the past and now that I am 54 I am thinking that the elasticity in the skin has just about seen its day. So, yes, plastic surgery is definitely an option in my book. Just make sure that you find a reputable plastic surgeon. There…
  • This is not a "diet"--it's a lifestyle change. TOM can throw you off. The difference is, you are still HERE. Therefore, you have not failed. You might have hit a bump in the road. You have to step over the bump and climb back in the wagon and carry on. I agree with weaklink109 -- this journey we are all on is not a…
  • GREAT JOB! Keep doing what you're doing! Those 5 pounds will have a ripple effect and before you know it.......GOAL met. Hang in there.....I too have just lost my first 5 :flowerforyou:
  • I too am 100 pounds overweight and struggling with 'couch potato-itis.' However, since deciding to take back my life and joining MFP, I have found that having buddies for motivation and accountability, tracking ALL food that passes my lips and doing some movement EVERYDAY is taking its toll for the better on my body and…
  • Kudos on the weight loss. I have been struggling with my calories, which have apparently been too low. I then am disappointed on weigh-in day because the scale is not showing me the results I think I should be seeing, which then stresses me out. Vicious cycle. Thankfully, someone came forward and told me about increasing…
  • Phenomenal!!! I'm just starting on my journey...good to see the b4 and after pix of someone at the end of their's. Congrats!!!