Couch potato -- where to start??

noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I am trying to get motivated to lose weight and make exercise a part of my daily life but it's a little overwhelming where to start and then once I start, I do great for a week or two then end up stopping.

I am about 100 lbs overweight so I cannot just up and start running.

Does anyone have any suggestions on some sort of start up plan to get started (i.e. walk X amount X times a week)? I really have no excuse as I have a fitness center close by and a pool, and an indoor track! It's just figuring it all out. I also don't have a lot of extra time with a young child.

Thanks for any suggestions!


  • Paul76
    Paul76 Posts: 158
    I've got young kids too. Put your kid in a stroller and take him/her for a walk. I'm no trainer, but even 20 - 30 minute 3-4 times per week is a start.

    I will say this though, I've always been very active and in to lots of sports and excercise but consistently 30 - 50 pounds overweight for the last 10 years. For me, I've now learned that it's the counting calories piece that's more important. Not to downplay exercise - you need both - but exercise without the calorie intake counting won't make the dent you're looking for.

    Good luck!
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    Walking has worked for me so far. I walk an average of 30 mnutes per day, four days per week. (On the other days I do some weight training with hand weights, again for 30 minutes.) I found in my walking that within a couple of weeks I was able to increase my pace. I started at about 2 miles per hour, and now average 3 - 3.5. I can't afford a membership. I don't have lots of time to dedicate to exercise. But I can get that 30 minutes in each day. I've only lost 16 of the 75 pounds I need to lose, but I've already dropped more than a whole size in my clothes. So, get off the couch and walk. :happy:
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I don't have any schedules for you to follow but maybe you could google it! I would just suggest you just go to the track or center and start walking. Just make a goal for yourself to walk for x amount of time at x amount of speed. No one knows what your body can handle except you. After you do this for a week, maybe you could step it up and go further and a little faster. When I began using my elliptical (which I love because it's very low impact/no impact and is a great cardio workout for myself since I'm no runner) I just said I was going to use it for at least 20 minutes 4 X a week. The next week I was able to bump it up to 30 minutes. Just start slow and set reachable goals so you will want to keep meeting and exceeding them. Good luck to you. I know it's hard to find motivation but you CAN do this!
  • Ottis
    Ottis Posts: 1
    Have you looked into a personal trainer? Their are still some good affordable ones out there if you check around. This person could be just the one to help keep you motivated.

    No, I'm not a trainer. but have used them.
  • slcobb001
    slcobb001 Posts: 39 Member
    The goal in starting ANY exercise program is two fold. First find something you truly enjoy doing! If you find something you enjoy then you will be more likely to keep it up! Second is to not over exercise!! I can't stress this point too much. A lot of people start and then ramp up the intensity, time etc. to the point that their body gets overloaded. You have injures, you are too tired, you then dread going out and doing it. Remember that 20 min, of cardio. gives you a great boost in your fitness. Start slow, give yourself plenty of time to improve and maybe find a friend to exercise with, who is very close to your fitness level.. and then HAVE FUN! I personally think that having fun is more important than pushing to get to a fitness goal. What good is hitting the goal if you don't continue to exercise after it is accomplished??? Good luck...
  • wifeyplus6
    wifeyplus6 Posts: 28
    Anything is better than nothing. Start with the exercise, the food tracking will come with time. I have 6 kids and currently 150 lbs to lose. (working on it though :) I walk (on my treadmill, or outside) 45 minutes 6 days a week. Or I ride a bike with my husband. I found that after a few days of tracking my food, without any restrictions, I started to monitor my intake a little more. The first few days I just wanted a barometer of how bad I was eating and what needed to change. Seeing it in it's ugly glory was a little shocking and motivating for me to make some changes. If the food part is overwhelming just start moving. Get your heart rate up and feel good about doing 1 thing that day that is good for you. You 're making a good start being on here. YOU can DO IT. MFP is a great resource to keep moving with your goals! :)

    Good Luck!

  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    Just get up and start moving!

    Stop making excuses and get up!

    For one week log all your calories and face what you are actually eating!

    Make this change for you and for the rest of your life.

    You are the only one who can change your life!

    Get up off the couch and start moving by doing anything, walking, biking, swimming, hiking...anything, just get moving!

    You can do this and we are here to help you, listen to you, answer and ask with you.

  • mowryann
    mowryann Posts: 17 Member
    I too am 100 pounds overweight and struggling with 'couch potato-itis.' However, since deciding to take back my life and joining MFP, I have found that having buddies for motivation and accountability, tracking ALL food that passes my lips and doing some movement EVERYDAY is taking its toll for the better on my body and life. Start with is an integral part of our everyday life. You WILL start feeling better about yourself and WILL feel more motivated to do more. Kind of a snow ball effect, but you HAVE to get started. Its really hard to roll ourselves out of the indentation that we have made on the couch, but TRUST me, even the couch will feel better. Walk with me!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    Two years ago I was over 450 pounds.

    I don't know how much over because that's where the doctor's scale stopped. So walking from the couch to the mailbox was a day's work for me. On top of that, I have a bad hip that makes walking painful.

    The first year of my weight loss I walked to the mailbox every day and took the trash out every other day. That summer I spent as much time in the pool as I could, moving my arms and legs and building some strength with my goal being able to walk to Target and back, about 4 blocks away. Now I'm walking daily, not fast or far because of my hip, but I walk to the bus stop, ride to the mall, walk there, walk back to the bus, etc. So I walk and sit, walk and sit.

    I've still got a long ways to go, but my point is, any start is a start and a small beginning leads to greater victories.

    Good luck and move your butt. :)
  • Swimming a few times a week is a great way to start - it's low impact and burns a lot of calories - great cardio for heart and lungs. Also walking a few times a week, starting out maybe at 15 - 20 minutes, then every week adding more minutes as you build endurance and strength.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am journaling and eating good now -- just need to add i the exercise component and ya'll are right - I just need to get up and start someplace and go from there. I KNOW once I get going and stick with it I will begin to enjoy again and will start to feel so much better.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Go for a walk around your neighborhood with your tot in a stroller. Every little bit helps. I try to at least walk or use my elliptical for 30 minutes 5x's per week but you can also do little things to increase your activity level and burn calories. A couple things I do is park at the back of the parking lot instead of looking for a close spot or put my son in a carrier when I do my grocery shopping instead of putting him in the cart.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Start by walking, and once you lose a little weight, if you want to run try the Couch to 5K program. It is a program that takes you from the couch to running 5K (3.1 miles). It has you using intervals of walking and running. Any time you find you can't complete a day or a week of the program, just repeat that week, and continue on. Before you know it you will be running! I used to smoke a pack a day and quit a couple of years ago. I couldn't run across my living room. I started C25K last fall, and just finished my first 10K race yesterday (6.2 miles). If I can do it, anyone can! Good luck!
  • dac60
    dac60 Posts: 22
    Medifast worked for me....and i have a friend that has lost 71 lbs in 6 weeks....
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Two years ago I was over 450 pounds.

    I don't know how much over because that's where the doctor's scale stopped. So walking from the couch to the mailbox was a day's work for me. On top of that, I have a bad hip that makes walking painful.

    The first year of my weight loss I walked to the mailbox every day and took the trash out every other day. That summer I spent as much time in the pool as I could, moving my arms and legs and building some strength with my goal being able to walk to Target and back, about 4 blocks away. Now I'm walking daily, not fast or far because of my hip, but I walk to the bus stop, ride to the mall, walk there, walk back to the bus, etc. So I walk and sit, walk and sit.

    I've still got a long ways to go, but my point is, any start is a start and a small beginning leads to greater victories.

    Good luck and move your butt. :)

    Congratulations on your success :) It is truly inspirational to hear stories where against all possible 'excuses' you still set realistic goals and made an effort. Well done!!
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    Congratulations on your success :) It is truly inspirational to hear stories where against all possible 'excuses' you still set realistic goals and made an effort. Well done!!

    Thanks, but the bulk of the credit goes to my prettier and smarter half, Joannie. She got me started back when I didn't care if I lived or died, and almost certainly I wouldn't be here at all without her.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Welcome! :) I also have right around 100 pounds to lose. I'm not sure how old your little one is -- I have a 4 year old and feel like he is right at the stage where he is too old to be in the stroller but too young to exercise much with me! I have been trying to carve out some time to walk after supper at night (and about to try to do that early in the morning before my husband leaves for work at 6:45 -- yikes). I just started a Conservative Couch to 5K program (28 weeks instead of 9 weeks!). I also have some Walk Away the Pounds DVDs that I can do at home (and my 4 year old loves to do them right along with me... for a few minutes... then he runs circles around the room or gets bored and goes somewhere else) :) We also have a Wii and get a tiny bit of exercise in with it as well.

    I also try to just get more movement in my daily routine. I don't worry about finding a close spot at the store... though I do find a close spot to a cart corral! I am trying to take my son on little walks with me -- to the mailbox to check the mail (about .1 mile one way) or to feed the ducks at a nearby lake (.2-.3 miles one way).

    I'm just starting my journey as well... but I'm learning to focus on what I *can* do instead of what I can't do yet. :) Start small and work your way up!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Medifast worked for me....and i have a friend that has lost 71 lbs in 6 weeks....

    71 pounds in 6 weeks? Did you remove body parts??:laugh: That seems a bit extreme.

    When I started on here I weighed 340 lbs. Walking around the block was a work out. Today at the gym I did 60 minutes on the elliptical fter I did 45 minutes of weight training. My favourite workout is my mini modified triathalon where I do 60 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes on the stationary bike and 30 minutes of lane swimming.

    You can work your way up to a good fitness level even taking into consideration any physical limitations you might have. It takes time and dedication.
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