Water and Fiber Help

Okay, I'm ready to make a serious effort here. I have been having trouble with constipation, and I'll leave it at that. I don't think I'm getting enough fiber and I KNOW I'm not drinking enough water.

Can someone give me a suggestion for the grams of fiber and ounces of water I should be taking in each day? I am a 32-year old male currently weighing 219 lbs.

Thanks in advance.


  • 8 cups of water and 25g fiber is the standard advice from most nutritionists.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    at least 8 servings of water a day and i aim for 25g of fiber. Maybe a little more for you.
    fiber one granola bars, cereals, etc are great ,as are many fruits and veggies. Raspberries, pears, plums, apples.
    watch the bananas, they can bind you up. Iron can also constipate you.
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    More fruit, more vegetables! Lots of water. Keep up with your exercise.
  • msqdpie
    msqdpie Posts: 92 Member
    I had trouble for like,..... well,.......My whole life, Someone told me about Flax seed . I use Cold milled Spring Valley Brand, and Wal~La No More Problem Now I'm Just like a Regular Person! For water I like Crystal Light Products, I love the Fruit Punch! I Hope You find this Helpful
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Chia seeds are also very high in fiber, as well as having omega-3 fatty acids. If you eat lots of fruit and veggies, you'll get fiber and water at the same time. Other than that, I'd say try to drink a little more water, but don't force yourself to down a ton of it. I find it helps to have water near me all the time, that way, when I'm thirsty, I'll reach for it--I go through a lot of water without making a real effort this way.
  • bigplayclay34
    bigplayclay34 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm not really sure how I would use flax seeds or chia seeds, as I've never had this issue until I started watching my caloric intake. I purchased some Psyllium Husk in the form generic Metamucil capsules. It says take 5 capsules up to three times a day, but I haven't had the guts to take that much yet.

    If anyone has experience with that, or a good way to take flax or chia seeds, I'd love to hear it.
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    Years ago I went to my doctor for coughing and chest congestion. He told me to drink lots of HOT water. Not coffee, not tea, not warm water, hot-as-I-could-stand-it water. I did and it really did help my congestion. I also noticed a side effect, it "regulated" me. I take a lot of vitamins, so I drink about 24ozs of hot, hot water every few days or so and it works wonderfully for me, usually within hours.
  • You can add fiber to you tracking also. I did .
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    I put Flax seeds on my salads and in yogurt or smoothies. You can put them in oatmeal, cold cereal just about anything.
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    Years ago I went to my doctor for coughing and chest congestion. He told me to drink lots of HOT water. Not coffee, not tea, not warm water, hot-as-I-could-stand-it water. I did and it really did help my congestion. I also noticed a side effect, it "regulated" me. I take a lot of vitamins, so I drink about 24ozs of hot, hot water every few days or so and it works wonderfully for me, usually within hours.

    I've never heard this before! I think I'll give it a try on one of my days off so I don't have issues at work... LOL. Anyway, my experience with fiber is that more is better, PROGRESSIVELY. One of my friends is a doctor and he swears by 25g as a bare minimum for a functioning system. Some people work their way up to double or quadruple that amount. Just make sure you're increasing your water intake with the fiber because fiber without water can actually constipate you further. Good luck :)
  • worej
    worej Posts: 108
    fiber one granola bars, cereals, etc are great ,as are many fruits and veggies.

    Oh, Fiber 1 granola bars... so much pain! Those things destroyed my gut! When you type "Fiber One" into Google, one of the first things it suggests is "Fiber One Bars gas"... which will bring you to tons of awful links of people who have also had awful problems with them! Some people swear by them, but my tip is, if you're going to try those, try them slowly...

    As for actual advice, what I would do is I would start drinking as much water as I can, right away. Gradually increase your fiber via a fiber supplement. (If you do a bunch at once and make a sudden change, you can totally throw your body off and just end up more constipated for a while.) Others have made good suggestions for fiber sources already. Just ramp up your fiber slowly until you feel like you're doing much better.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Yes, I agree with the numbers the others provided. Add fiber to your tracking is the first step. Of course you can get it in fruits and veggies, but the Kelloggs Fiber Plus and Fiber One bars add 9 grams of fiber at a time! Also, they are sooooooo good! You can get fiber from nuts as well.

    Just be aware, that when you start boosting your fiber intake and your body isn't used to it, be prepared for what my sister calls "Bubble Gut" syndrome. That is when you get that crampy, bubbly feeling in your gut. It can cause excess gas, so just be aware of this. It is best to increase your fiber intake slowly to give your body time to adjust. Good luck!
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Yogurts and other probiotics can also get things moving along.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    Having the same problem since I reduced my calories. Tried activia yogurt did not work. The only time I seem to be going is when I hit one of my food allergy by accident. Still have not figured out exactly what they are yet.
  • mowryann
    mowryann Posts: 17 Member
    I have a shake recipe that is seriously absolutely DELICIOUS and literally has everything in it to keep you goin. It was a recipe from Dr. Oz's show....Spinach Rasberry Flaxseed Oil Shake: The below recipe makes 4 servings; each serving is 10 ounces.

    2 Cups fresh or frozen raspberries
    1 container of nonfat flavored yogurt (strawberry or raspberry is good)
    1/4 Cup OJ
    1 Large handful of fresh spinach
    8 baby carrots
    2 scoops of protein powder (I use EAS Whey protein -- vanilla)
    2 teaspoons of flaxseed OIL (you don't even know it's in there!)
    1/4 Cup of dry oatmeal
    2 teaspoons of wheat germ

    Throw it in your blender with a handful of ice until smooth, and enjoy!! (Calories = 203; Dietary Fiber = 12g; Total Fat = 4g; Sodium = 52.2mg; Total Carbs = 23g; Protein = 20g)

    It is listed as MKs spinach raspberry flaxseed oil shake for tracking purposes...
  • sanrdj
    sanrdj Posts: 18 Member
    I started taking PGx daily supplements and they have been great at keeping me regular. Also, they seem to curb my appetitie so I have not been as hungry as I normally am. They are not cheap and it takes about a week or two to get to full dosage.
  • Carita79
    Carita79 Posts: 64 Member
    My bf is also 32 and as a carpenter has issues with regulating his bowels on work sites with no porta-potty especially!
    My mom who is a RN suggested we try a product they use at the local hospital for bowel care..its called Nutracleanse.
    the ingredients are...ground flax seed, ground psyllium husks, dandelion root powder, burdock root powder, & fenugreek seed pwder.
    we put it in smoothies..cerearl..in yogert :0 it has a nice nutty flavor and has worked miracles for my handsome man :)
    I highly recommend it!

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    There are 2 kinds of fiber soluble & insoluble. Make sure your diet contains both.

    Insoluble: vegetables such as green beans and dark green leafy vegetables, fruit skins and root vegetable skins, whole-wheat products, wheat bran, corn bran, seeds & nuts

    Soluble: Oat/Oat bran, dried beans and peas, nuts, barley, flax seed, fruits such as oranges and apples, vegetables such as carrots

    Also, FAT in your diet can make a big difference. Make sure you are not eating too little fat.
  • jennyc00
    jennyc00 Posts: 4 Member
    Go buy some drink mixes from a grocery store!!! Some cheaper options are made by Great Value brand and come in small "tubs" for larger quantities or Crystal Light makes small individual serving options. Get a exercise water bottle and add a tasty mix. I love peach, peach tea, raspberry. There are ALL kinds of options. You can take it to work with you or wherever you go and fill it up from a water fountain.

    This one addition to water has made it SO SO much easier for me to drink water. I drink about 3-4 large glasses per day. It tastes great and you forget your drinking plain 'ole water. This has helped with making me "regular" in addition to exercise. When I don't drink enough water I can tell a huge difference in how I feel. And exercise.... it gets your motility of the intestines moving along. Good luck!
  • Fiber and dehydration is a horrible combo! Fiber only regulates you when you are hydrated so the fibers can be full of water. Otherwise they become hard and lead to compaction or blockage, that would be worse then no fiber at all.