

  • Thank for the link it really helps and thank you all!!
    in weigh in Comment by widr September 2011
  • Thank you all so much!! I worried that I will get off the wagon and stop! My husband is really bad about it... he weight him self three time day when he is home.
    in weigh in Comment by widr September 2011
  • Thanks everyone, Yes, I have lot of stress I have two teen age sons and get stress becouse I a hard of hearing person and people just not understand that I have a hard time understanding and they get mad and it upset me and my sons. I try for 20 pounds:laugh: Renee
  • HI , Iam new here just want to say hello! Renee
  • : Hi Iam new here too and I also have loss 50 pounds asap! I will suppot you if you like.:smile: and it hard on me I tried to loss and I eat very small meals and gain weight and i do not know why.:cry:
    in Hi :) Comment by widr September 2011
  • Thank for your tips Iam trying find good exercise for my family and me. I am 51, my husband is 54 and we have two teen age sons.again thank you
  • Hi welcome ! Husband and I are the some as you!
  • How can I add you? I do not know how!
  • Thank you so much! Very kind of you!