weigh in

How long are to wait for the next weigh in?:happy: Some weigh in everyday and some do not... I am not sure what to do!


  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    I get on the scale every morning but i log once a week!
  • sunshinethompson
    sunshinethompson Posts: 106 Member
    I hit the scale every other day but I log once a week on Sunday mornings!!!
  • The best check in is once per week. You can see your progress better and be more motivated. When you do this daily it might be confusing sometimes because of many natural processes going on inside of your body that make move the scale numbers roll back or forth.
  • I try to only get on the scales once a week and log in at the same time, I used to be fairly obsessed weighing myself up to 10 times a day and it only served to demotivate me so now once a week when i log in is all i do
  • I only weigh in once a week, every Sunday to start my week off. I picked Sundays because if I had a bad week and didnt lose or gained a pound, I can start my week off right and try to have a better week than the last one!
  • widr
    widr Posts: 15
    Thank you all so much!! I worried that I will get off the wagon and stop! My husband is really bad about it... he weight him self three time day when he is home.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    I find if I weigh every day, I go up and down like stupid, so I weigh myself the same time same day once a week. xx

    Than again that is just me.. xx
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    3 times a day, before you go to the bathroom will be different than after... What time of day...

    He needs to slow down, his life is around weighing himself and it should be about spending time with you and your food, not about his weight... Bless xxx Again just my view xx
  • If you weigh yourself daily you have to remember your weight has natural fluctuations based on you. Water retention, stress, you name it. If you weigh yourself once a week you might feel anxious if you have an increase and wonder what went wrong. It is entirely personal preference. Myself, I weigh myself anytime I use my bathroom, that is where I keep the scale, sometimes it goes up, that's fine, sometimes it goes down, and that is when I log anything. I might go two weeks before I drop something if it has been particularly stressful. It is all about what you want to or need to do. I am a little bit obsessed, I will fully admit, but it makes it easier for me to see progress.

    That being said it is important to note that I am losing through diet alone at this point, because of other health issues. Any progress is the highlight of my day, any gains are either a lack of enough water that day, or retaining water... poor water, always gets the blame. I've lost 32.4 pounds since July 4. Although I have a goal, I have no time frame, to simply lose works for me. My original need to lose is no longer viable, so this is simply a way to better monitor my heath, which is always a necessity. I don't know if this helps you or not but some things you will have to do via trial and error, if it works for you, go for it, if not, try something else. :) Good luck!
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    Usually once a week but sometimes will weigh myself on Thursdays but don't count it until Sundays.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I get on the scale every morning but i log once a week!

    ^^^ this :-)
  • widr
    widr Posts: 15
    Thank for the link it really helps and thank you all!!