mjuszczec Member


  • yes, i'm interested in finding my ideal weight. i have read online calculators are inaccurate or not for people who are already active. i feel fine. i want to take about 25 points off my cholesterol level (its 225, i want it at 200) so i'm back on myfitnesspal. its asking me for my ideal weight and i just don't know what…
  • 10 days straight? You need to work light workouts and time off into your training schedule - it'll be easier to maintain that way. Feeling bad today? Could be a million reasons. I would NOT count on undertraining being one of them.
  • I agree. But in millions of years we've changed when/how/how much we run and on what surfaces. Plus, my buddy didn't freeball at all. Maybe if he did, and did it all the time, everything would have been conditioned to provide support with no pain. This is all strictly anecdotal. FWIW, mine hurt if I do jump squats without…
  • This is for the OP. Oops. Sorry. My bad. Sorry, I forgot to quote your response to my advice.
  • 1. Don't freak out until the ortho sees you. If they're a good one, they'll order an MRI if they can't make the diagnosis unassisted. 2. After they determine the extent of your injury, have them write you an rx for a good physical therapist. How do you find a good one? Look for ones who treat athletes (high school,…
  • If you're a guy, wear an athletic supporter. Here's why. A guy I used to work with had a slow onset of pain in his midsection. It gradually increased from "ouch, that's strange" to "OMIGOD THAT HURTS I'M GOING TO THE DR BEFORE I DIE!!!!!!" over a few weeks. His dr told him to start running with a jock strap. Running…
  • Thank you. Ummmmmm, which one? The Goodwill thing or running my own program? Just curious. Whenever I get that strong of a response to something I wrote, I get really interested in what/why.
    in Gear Comment by mjuszczec April 2012
  • On the days when I've worked out enough to earn enough calories to spluge - I do. That usually amounts to 2 days a week. But even so, I keep it at the calorie limit.
  • Add me if you want. I'm 45 and I've been motivating people fitness-wise since I was about 18ish, so I've had alot of practice :wink:
  • I'm the guy at the gym who looks like he gets his workout clothes at Goodwill/Salvation Army. Because I do. I used to train at a traditional karate school and had to buy relatively expensive uniforms that would get abused thru normal training and last about a year. It used to just bug me that I was paying alot of money for…
    in Gear Comment by mjuszczec April 2012